A Fan-Operated Science Fiction and Fantasy Literary and Filk Convention in the Dallas/Fort Worth Area
Guest of Honor: S.M. Stirling
Filk Guest of Honor: Leslie Fish
Fen Guest of Honor: Randy Farran
Artist Guest of Honor: Larry Dixon
Toastmaster: David Gerrold
Special Guest: Mike Resnick
plus many more guests
Mike Resnick's appearance made possible in part by a grant from ALAMO

This is the online archive of our 2005 website. Please
also visit our current website.
Yes, FenCon is still being held this weekend!
Dallas should experience no worse than a few scattered
thunderstorms by Sunday evening. While our hearts go out to our neighbors to the
south, Dallas is way the heck inland. FenCon II will not be cancelled due
to weather.
Weather in Dallas

Join us now: You can join us at the door with
cash, any major credit card, or a check or money order made out to FenCon. One-day and youth
memberships will also be available at the door. We look forward to
seeing you all at FenCon II.
FenCon memberships are now available only at the door.
Important notes about the FenCon II hotel:

SOLD OUT: Have you booked your hotel room yet?
Our good friends at the Holiday Inn Select North Dallas have let us know that they
are completely sold out for both Friday and Saturday nights!
They have enough rooms to honor everybody's reservation, they swear, but they will
be full. There are several area hotels
with some vacancies but they are filling fast as Hurricane Rita bears down on Texas.
Throwing a room party? We've made arrangements with the hotel to keep all
the parties together on the 5th floor and thus to keep them open all night. We must
know about your party in advance! We must know by Thursday at 1:00pm! Register your room
party by e-mailing your name, group name, and hotel confirmation number to our hotel liaison
(timiller@fencon.org) right away. When checking
in, please make sure your party room is on the 5th floor!
FenCon II is over. See you in 2006!

Doing our part: The proceeds of the FenCon
Charity Auction and any other fundraising we do during FenCon II will go to the
Salvation Army to aid their disaster relief efforts in the hurricane-devastated
Gulf Coast region.
To give now, see the links at the bottom of this page. Thank you.
For people who like programming: What convention would be complete without
some sort of scheduled events? You know, like opening ceremonies,
panels on dozens of topics, the FenCon Cabaret, concerts, readings, demonstrations, and the
pulse-pounding excitement of closing ceremonies? Well, it wouldn't be FenCon, that's for sure.
We've got all that stuff and more neatly lined up in a grid for
your convenience on our Programming page. Enjoy!
 Serenity: The Official Movie Website (in theaters September 30th)
Join us this weekend!
Hey, Filkers: We still have a few mini-concert and jam slots open for 2005
and this is your chance to perform for a filk-friendly audience. Whether you know a few songs
or are a veteran of the musical arts, drop us a line at info@fencon.org.
Congratulations, nominees: The Pegasus Awards,
presented annually at the Ohio Valley Filk Festival,
recognize and honor excellence in filking and some familiar names are on the
final ballot this year.
Carla Ulbrich (2004/2005) and Jeff & Maya Bohnhoff (2004) are
finalists for Best Performer. Leslie Fish (2005) is co-nominated with Mercedes
Lackey in both the Best Space Opera Song (for "Signy Mallory") and Best Sword and
Sorcery Song (for "Threes") categories. Also nominated in Best Sword and Sorcery
Song is Bill Sutton (2005) for "Wizard of Macke Town."
Any interested fan is eligible to vote
for the Pegasus Awards. The deadline is October 17, 2005.

Contest update: Our judges have selected the winners of FenCon and the
Dallas Future Society's first Short Fiction Contest, each of whom will
receive a cash prize, a 2006 membership for FenCon, and (for our top winner) publication in our
Program Book. Good luck to everybody who submitted a story and thanks to all of our readers and
judges. We'll announce the winners at Opening Ceremonies on Friday, September 23rd.
There's a lot to do and see at FenCon II

Just the thing for over the couch:
You asked for it and since we're "of the fen, by the fen, and for the fen" we're
doing it. FenCon presents our first Art Show and Auction.
Open to artists from across Texas, the great southwest, and around the world, our
art show features panels and tables for original art work plus a print shop for the
limited-edition works. UPDATE: All of our panels are sold out! We
have a few table spaces remaining only. Visit the Art Show
and Auction page for all the details.
Guest Update: We regret to announce that Joe R. Lansdale, Ardath Mayhar,
Wm. Mark Simmons, Bedlam Bards, Julia Blackshear Kosatka, Tracy S. Morris, Sasha Miller, Scott Cupp,
Jayme Lynn Blaschke, Scott A. Johnson, and Bob Gunner will be unable to attend FenCon this year.
We hope their situations and schedules permit them to attend in the future.

Each week leading up to FenCon II we will feature a different guest here on our homepage.
Guest of Honor: S.M. Stirling
S.M. Stirling is the award-winning author of the Draka series, the
Island in the Sea of Time trilogy, the General series with David Drake,
the Flight Engineer series with James "Scotty" Doohan, and so many more it
would take a whole website to list them.
His 2004 novel Conquistador was hailed as a masterpiece of alternate
history fiction. A New Mexico resident who has lived on three continents and
whose interests include travel, history, and anthropology, Steve is able
to bring alternate-history SF to best-selling life. |

If you wish to contact us via e-mail, our primary contact address is
info@fencon.org. You can find more contact
information on the Contact Info page.
Like what you see? We have an easy way for you to
about FenCon.
Hurricane Katrina Disaster Relief
An important message from Larry Dixon: "Many of
you may know me as a fantasy novelist and artist, but more importantly I'm an
experienced emergency worker (7 years volunteer firefighter, 2 yrs stormspotter &
CERT (Civilian Emergency Response Team)). Mercedes Lackey and I have a charitable
foundation we are turning towards the effort of helping the fantasy, scifi, and
roleplaying games fans hit by Katrina." Read Larry's entire message here.

FenCon II Flyer

as of 09/26/2005 |
Last updated 27 September 2005
Text and images Copyright 2003-2005 by Dallas Future Society, Dallas, Texas.
FenCon is a production of the Dallas Future Society, a not-for-profit organization dedicated
to the advancement of science, literature, and music for the future of all mankind.
Enjoy privacy? Read our privacy policy.