FenCon X - October 4-6, 2013 - Dallas, Texas


FenCon X - Sunday Programming

A Fan-Operated Science Fiction and Fantasy Literary and Filk Convention in the Dallas/Fort Worth Area


FenCon X Sunday Programming

This is your guide to FenCon X programming including all of our panels, autograph sessions, workshops, concerts, fun surprises, and much more. But keep in mind that FenCon X is in October 2013 and we won't post schedule information until a lot closer to the convention. Watch this space.

FenCon X Sunday Programming Highlights:

We're fleshing out the schedule. What you see below is preliminary and subject to change. 

Hover over a panel title to see a description.

FenCon X Sunday Autograph Schedule:


10:00 AM

10:30 AM

S. Petersen, K. Turski

11:30 AM

A. Benson, B. Hale

12:00 PM

K. Hosey, J. Ringo

1:00 PM

P. Black, C. Vess

1:30 PM

G. Oliver

3:00 PM

L. Donahue, J. Mandala, D. Rainbolt,
R. Eudaly
Jump to:

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Gaming Schedule   Children's Programming Schedule   Video Room Schedule

Other Sunday Programming:

FenCon X Sunday Programming Schedule:


aTrinity I - IV

bRed Oak

cPin Oak

dLive Oak

eAddison Lecture Hall


g2021 Suite



10:00 AM

Real Politics in Genre Fiction
S. Brust
C. Doctorow
P. Nielsen Hayden*
Crimes Against Science
L. Donahue
D. Gray
A. Martinez
M. White*
Artists: Past, Present and Future
R. Farran
A. Lowry
C. Vess*
Hard Hobbit to Break
K. Bogen
J. Ringo
Tr. Morris*
Ask A Scientist
R. Acks
G. Landis
J. Randall
A. Simmons
P. Abell*
Last of the Babylon Stations: Babylon 5 Twenty Years Later
Mi. Finn
K. McMurray
M. Nelson
G. Oliver
J.K. Cheney*
Lyric Writing Workshop: Part 2 - Lyric Critique (requires Part 1)
B. Sutton
K. Turski

10:30 AM

Reading by Amber Benson
B. Hale

11:00 AM

Whose Line Is It Anyway?
R. Clement-Moore
R. Farran
Ma. Finn
C. Havens
J. Murray
B. Sutton
S. Swendson
T. Smith*
Is Writing Media Tie-Ins Right For You?
Mi. Finn
V. Kennedy
K. Hosey*
Bland Lemon and the Lemonades in Concert
B. Denton
C. Spector
Women in Science
R. Acks
L. Donahue
T. Rider
M. White*
My Other Job
V. Caethe
C. Doctorow
A. Simmons
L. Smith
B. Stufflebeam
M. Turzillo*
Care & Feeding of Hats
J. Barrett
Writers Workshop Session D
P. Nielsen Hayden
T. Nielsen Hayden
A. Benson

11:30 AM

S. Rosen

12:00 PM

Crowdfunding a Successful Project
A. Benson
T. Franzoni
S. Petersen
R. Caine*
How do You take Your Art, Broad Strokes or Fine Details?
P. Charlifu
C. Conrad
A. Lowry
C. Vess*
S.J. Tucker in Concert
S. J. Tucker
Revision Indecision
M. Muenzler
S. Rosen
T. Nielsen Hayden*
MacGyvered Props - Making Them From Found Items
M. Van Slyke
Time Lord Ethics: The Doctor As Meddler
A. Balthrop
Mi. Finn
E. Nahté
K. Sullivan
S. Swendson*
S. Brust
S. White

12:30 PM

J. Ringo

1:00 PM

Copyright or Copywrong?
C. Doctorow
P. Herman
P. Nielsen Hayden
B. Sutton
M. White*
Blurring the Lines
K.Hutson Price
R. Rogers
C. Wolf
C. Denney*
Bedlam Bards Sunday Concert
Writer, Hack Thyself
V. Caethe
M. Fletcher
E. Nahté
M. Bardsley*
Holy Ethical Dilemma, Batman!
C. Medellin
Tr. Morris
S. Patrick
S. Rosen
M. Shoemaker
M. Oshiro*
Conventions in (and around) Texas
B. Hale
J. Mahaffey
T. Miller*
Have a Cookie! - Ten Year FenCon Veterans
D. Gray
M. Middleton
M. Nelson
C. Sledge
L. Smith*
G. Oliver

1:30 PM

L. Donahue

2:00 PM

How To Capture and Tame a Wild Asteroid
P. Abell
R. Acks
G. Landis
K. Ruffin
M. Shoemaker
W. Ledbetter*
The Redheads of the Apocalypse Press Conference
L. Donahue
R. Eudaly
D. Rainbolt
J. Mandala*
October Country in Concert
L. Relph
C. Sledge
S. Walter
Expired Sci-Fi
J. Ringo
S. Rosen
A. Simmons
D. Gray*
You Write, YA?
M. Bardsley
A. Benson
R. Clement-Moore
B. Hale
R. Caine*
Mining the Fae
Mi. Finn
R. Rose
S. Swendson*
C. Doctorow

2:30 PM

C. Denney

3:00 PM

Season Four Is Coming
M. Bahm
Mi. Finn
V. Kennedy
F. Summers*
Not the Phineas and Ferb Panel
D. Mennear
G. Oliver
K. Sullivan
K. Turski
S. Swendson*
Triskelion in Concert
S. Brigdon
F. Brigdon
L. Tharp
Toastmaster Spotlight on John Ringo
J. Ringo
Cynicism vs Idealism in SF&F
R. Acks
P. Nielsen Hayden
Vampire Capitalists
C. Denney
M. White
E. Nahté*
FenCon Feedback
F. Mahaffey
G. Landis

3:30 PM

M. Tatum

4:00 PM

Closing Ceremonies
J. Barrett
D. Hadley
N. Massey
T. Miller
R. Miller
M. Nelson
T. Morgan*

5:00 PM

 Advance sign up required

Main Programming Saturday Programming Saturday Programming Gaming Schedule Children's Programming Schedule Video Room Schedule


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Text and images Copyright 2003–2013 by Dallas Future Society, Dallas, Texas.
FenCon is a production of the Dallas Future Society, a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation dedicated to the advancement of science, literature, and music for the future of all mankind. This material is published by the Dallas Future Society in furtherance of its literary and educational purposes. The opinions expressed are those of the editors and contributors and do not necessarily reflect the view of the Dallas Future Society, its officers, or directors.
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FenCon X - October 4-6, 2013 - Dallas, Texas