FenCon VII - September 17-19, 2010 - Dallas, Texas

A Fan-Operated Science Fiction and Fantasy Literary and Filk Convention in the Dallas/Fort Worth Area

FenCon Friday Programming

FenCon VII Friday Programming Highlights:


FenCon VII Friday Autograph Schedule:

5:00 PM

J. Picacio

6:00 PM

C. D. Andersson, L. Antonelli, R. Caine,
B. Hale
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Programming Layout Children's Programming Schedule

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Other Friday Programming:

FenCon VII Friday Programming Schedule:


aOak Ballroom

bTrinity 1/2

cTrinity 3

dTrinity 6

eAddison Lecture Hall




12:00 AM


8:00 AM

Writers Workshop: Session A

J. Wade

12:00 PM

Animating Super-Heroes

A. Martinez
M. Nelson
K. Sullivan
S. Patrick*

1:00 PM

Humorous Horror: Laughing While Being Scared Out of Your Wits

T. Morris
E. Nahté
R. Rose

2:00 PM

Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam

K. Sullivan
F. Summers
M. White

Art of the Small: Micrograph Presentation

J. Randall

E. Nahté

2:30 PM


P. Blair

3:00 PM

Joe R. Lansdale Early Bird Panel

J. Lansdale

But, But I Can't Find It. It's Out of Print!

K. Sullivan
F. Summers
J.K. Cheney*
Ben Franklin Was An Alien

B. Denton
M. Finn
C. Spector
J. Randall*

M. Tatum

3:30 PM


J. Mandala

4:00 PM

With This Device I Could Rule the World!!!

M. Finn
W. Ledbetter
J. Randall
D. Mennear*

Should Copyright Be Forever?

D. Foye
A. Martinez
T. Patterson
M. White
M. Tatum*
We Got It Covered!

D. Anderson
P. Black
C. Conrad
B. Foster
J. Picacio
Spider Robinson Early Bird Virtual "Signing"

S. Robinson


F. Summers

4:30 PM


R. Eudaly

5:00 PM

Rebooting Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Insane or Merely Crazy?

C. Havens
A. Martinez
R. Rogers
C. Spector*

Filk? Why Do You "Folks" Call It Filk?

J. Bohnhoff
M. Bohnhoff
D. Foye
C. Sledge
T. Smith
M. Middleton*
Explosions in Space: We Got Special Effects, Who Needs a Plot?

B. Hale
S. Patrick
B. Kemper*

The Queen Would Be Amused: A Look at Real Victorian Clothing

K. O'Brian*

K. Turski

5:30 PM


S. Hoyt

6:00 PM

Spider Robinson in Concert

S. Robinson

Dad, There's No Such Thing as a Space Cowboy!

T. Harvia
G. Oliver
S. Swendson
S. Leicht*

Family Filk with Mary and Margaret

M. Middleton
M. Miller

Honey, Don't Read This Yet: Authors Who Live Together

L. Donahue
C. Donahue
B. Sinor
S. Sinor
S. Hoyt*

The Future of Electronics: Spintronics

K. Roche

Flip Your Lid – Make Your own Mini Top Hat

B. Demonja


K. Sullivan


A. Martinez

6:30 PM


S. Patrick


M. Bardsley

7:00 PM

Opening Ceremonies

J. Bohnhoff
M. Bohnhoff
J. Lansdale
J. Picacio
J. Randall
S. Robinson
K. Roche
A. Trembley
J. Wade
J. Barrett*

8:00 PM

Jeff and Maya Bohnhoff Friday Night Concert

J. Bohnhoff
M. Bohnhoff

The New Who Review

A. Balthrop
T. Miller
M. Nelson
R. Rose
S. Swendson
K. Sullivan*

You Read Comic Books!?!

J. Leaf
C. Medellin
D. Mennear
B. Waller*

From Twilight to Pern: Steering Young Adults to The Works of the Established Masters of Fantasy

R. Caine
B. Kemper
M. Tatum
R. Clement-Moore*

9:00 PM

Marc Gunn Friday Concert and CD release party

M. Gunn

You Got Your Science In My Fiction!

P. Abell
C. Donahue
D. Gray
J. Randall
B. Kemper*

Ghost Stories Around the Campfire

J. Mandala
E. Nahté
B. Sinor
Libby S.

Comic Book Movies: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

S. Patrick
R. Rogers
B. Waller
C. Havens*

10:00 PM

Bland Lemon and the Lemonades in Concert

B. Denton

Yard Dog Press Road Show

L. Donahue
C. Donahue
R. Eudaly
E. Nahté
D. Rainbolt
B. Sinor
S. Sinor
K. Turski
J. Mandala*

Vampires on Film and TV

R. Caine
C. Havens
G. Oliver
A. Martinez*

Liars Panel

J. Burk
R. Clement-Moore

11:00 PM

Starcruisers in Concert

D. Anderson

Friday Night Chaos Filk

Friday Night Bardic Filk


* indicates the panel moderator

Jump to the schedule for Saturday or Sunday or go to the main Programming page, the Children's Programming schedule, the Video Room schedule, or the Gaming page.

Saturday Programming   Sunday Programming   Programming Layout
Children's Programming Schedule   Video Room Schedule   Gaming Schedule





Text and images Copyright 2003-2010 by Dallas Future Society, Dallas, Texas.
FenCon is a production of the Dallas Future Society, a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation dedicated to the advancement of science, literature, and music for the future of all mankind. This material is published by the Dallas Future Society in furtherance of its literary and educational purposes. The opinions expressed are those of the editors and contributors and do not necessarily reflect the view of the Dallas Future Society, its Officers, or Directors.
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