FenCon VII - September 17-19, 2010 - Dallas, Texas

A Fan-Operated Science Fiction and Fantasy Literary and Filk Convention in the Dallas/Fort Worth Area

FenCon Saturday Programming

FenCon VII Saturday Programming Highlights:


FenCon VII Saturday Autograph Schedule:

10:00 AM

M. Bardsley, P. Black, C. Douglas,
R. Rose, K. Sullivan

11:00 AM


12:00 PM

J. Bohnhoff, M. Bohnhoff, J. Lansdale,
J. Picacio, J. Randall, K. Roche,
A. Trembley

1:00 PM


2:00 PM

L. Carl, C. Donahue, M. Fletcher,
A. Martinez, R. Rogers, M. Tatum
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 Saturday Programming   Sunday Programming

Programming Layout Children's Programming Schedule

Video Room Schedule   Gaming Schedule

Other Saturday Programming:
2:00 PM  -
Generic Radio Workshop Auditions/Rehearsal
2037 Hospitality Suite
5:00 PM  -
Beer 101
2037 Hospitality Suite

FenCon VII Saturday Programming Schedule:


aOak Ballroom

bTrinity 1/2

cTrinity 3

dTrinity 6

eAddison Lecture Hall


gBoard Room



9:00 AM

Writers Workshop: Session B

J. Wade

Children's Writers' Workshop

E. Nahté
B. Hale*

10:00 AM

75 years of DC Comics

J. Lansdale
M. Nelson
S. Patrick
R. Rogers
B. Waller*

Publishing and Art Scams

D. Anderson
L. Carl
P.N. Elrod
L. Antonelli*

It's Nano Science!

J. Randall

Firefly Drinking Songs Live!

M. Gunn*

Natural Disasters in Fiction: How Can We Solve the Zombie Virus?

C. Fulbright
A. Hawkes
M. Tatum
M. Muenzler*

Suck It In: Corset Basics

A. Cowdrey


B. Sinor
S. Sinor

11:00 AM

Science GoH Q&A: Dr. John Randall

J. Randall
W. Ledbetter*

Mind the Generation Gap

C. D. Andersson
J. Burk
B. Hale
J. Lansdale
T. Harvia*

Deep In The Heart of DeepSouthCon

T. Miller*

How the Electronic World Has Changed the Publishing Landscape

M. Bardsley
P.N. Elrod
J. Picacio
C. Havens*

What's Wrong with Fan Fiction?

P. Blair
R. Caine
L. Carl
R. Rose
R. Clement-Moore*

Drawing for Kids Pt. 1

M. Braun*

Beyond Tinkerbell: Fairy Costuming in the 21st Century

C. Talbot


S. Swendson

11:30 AM


C. Douglas

12:00 PM

Bedlam Bards in Concert


2012: The End of the World, and Other Apocalyptic Scenarios.

C. D. Andersson
A. Hawkes
B. Sinor
W. Ledbetter*

Pimp My Spaceship!

D. Anderson
R. Farran
B. Foster
T. Harvia
R. Kelley*

ORAC Open Meeting

A. Balthrop
E. Dravecky*

Puns - Can They Be Stopped?

P. Blair
M. Finn
K. Turski
T. Smith*
Have Wings, Will Travel: How to Make Professional-Looking Wings

M. Marrow
M. McLaren


J.K. Cheney

12:30 PM


L. Carl

1:00 PM

October Country Concert

C. Sledge
S. Walter

Mobile Holmes

A. Hawkes
D. Mennear
B. Waller
R. Rogers*

Sleuthing the Feline Way

P. Blair
D. Rainbolt
S. Sinor
C. Douglas*

Conventions in (and around) Texas

J. Barrett
R. Farran
J. Kent
K. Pace
B. Parker
C. Siros
A. Spengler

The Art of John Picacio

J. Picacio

Adding Color to Chord Progressions: A Guitar Workshop

J. Bohnhoff

Dinosaur Science!

M. White*


S. Leicht


R. Caine

1:30 PM


Libby S.


P.N. Elrod

2:00 PM

Marc Gunn Saturday Concert

M. Gunn

Seriously? You Write Humorous Stories?

Karen Bogen
S. Robinson
S. Swendson
J. Wells
C. D. Andersson*

Jessica Wade

J. Wade

Costuming Catwalk - Costume Construction Q&A

P. Dee


Small Press Round Table

P. Black

L. Donahue


T. Patterson

2:30 PM



3:00 PM

Ghost of a Rose Concert

W. Boatman
D. Foye

Horrors! It's Joe R. Lansdale!

J. Lansdale
R. Eudaly*

You Look Fantastic, But You're A Vampire. Should I Kiss You, Or Kill You?

M. Bardsley
R. Caine
C. Douglas
J. Wells
J. Mandala*

Deep Sea Science Ship Live Video Chat

J. Pollard*

Self-Edit: Do It or Die

L. Carl
M. Fletcher
C. Spector
F. Summers

Advanced Drawing for Kids

M. Braun*


A. Simmons


W. Ledbetter

3:30 PM


G. Oliver


D. Rainbolt

4:00 PM

Spider Robinson GoH Interview

S. Robinson
J. Barrett*

5:00 PM

Jeff & Maya Bohnhoff Guest of Honor Concert

J. Bohnhoff
M. Bohnhoff

From Albus to Zaphod: How to Choose A Name For Your Character

P. Blair
Karen Bogen
S. Sinor*

Mad Science: It's Not Just For Men.

D. Gray
J. Pollard
M. White
B. Kemper*

Sword & Sorcery Movies. They're Back!

C. D. Andersson
A. Martinez
E. Nahté
A. Simmons
C. Fulbright*

R. Rogers


R. Rose

5:30 PM


C. Spector


C. Havens

6:00 PM

Tom Smith Concert

T. Smith
The King Effect: Modern Horror in Fiction

C. D. Andersson
R. Caine
C. Fulbright*

The Seventh Annual Obligatory Stargate Panel

R. Kelley
G. Oliver
Libby S.
C. Spector
J. Leaf*

7:00 PM

Dinocroc vs. The World: The Joy of B Movies

P. Blair
D. Gray
D. Rainbolt
A. Martinez*

Random Novel Reading

J. Burk
M. Muenzler
R. Rogers
Libby S.*

Art and Charity Auction

R. Eudaly

8:00 PM

Masquerade Muster - Masque Participants Only

Real Ghostbusting

D. Rainbolt

The Internet, and How a "Horrible" Idea Tried to Rule the World

M. Gunn
B. Hale
T. Morris
B. Waller

9:00 PM

FenCon Cabaret

J. Lansdale*

10:00 PM


11:00 PM

Saturday Night Chaos Filk

Saturday Night Open Bardic Filk


12:00 AM

Bubba Ho-Tep Screening

J. Lansdale*

2:00 AM


* indicates the panel moderator

Jump to the schedule for Friday or Sunday or go to the main Programming page, the Children's Programming schedule, the Video Room schedule, or the Gaming page.

Saturday Programming   Sunday Programming   Programming Layout
Children's Programming Schedule   Video Room Schedule   Gaming Schedule





Text and images Copyright 2003-2010 by Dallas Future Society, Dallas, Texas.
FenCon is a production of the Dallas Future Society, a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation dedicated to the advancement of science, literature, and music for the future of all mankind. This material is published by the Dallas Future Society in furtherance of its literary and educational purposes. The opinions expressed are those of the editors and contributors and do not necessarily reflect the view of the Dallas Future Society, its Officers, or Directors.
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