FenCon XX Costuming Programming

Visit the Costuming gang in the Medal of Honor room!  (Look for signs, it's to the right of the bar in the Lobby). It's a friendly hang out space. We'll have a sewing station for last minute repairs and fixes, reference books for inspiration, displays of hats and fun costumes, and people to bounce ideas off!

Need a new set of measurements? Need help with a pattern? Need another pair of hands for a fitting? Drop in during our open hours (when there's not a panel in process) and visit! 

Just need a quiet place to knit and spin some yarns with fellow crafters? You're welcome to come and sit a spell. 

For other programming interest to costume & makers, see FenCon’s Maker track!!


† = Advance sign-up required.


Please check back soon!



zRoom of Requirement

11:00 AM

No WiFi, No Problem! Control for Lights and Props
  • J. Barrett

12:00 PM


2:00 PM

The Care and Feeding of Vintage Clothing
  • K. O'Brien

3:00 PM




zRoom of Requirement

10:00 AM

Costuming Swap
  • K. O'Brien

11:00 AM