FenCon V - October 3-5, 2008 - Dallas, Texas


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A Fan-Operated Science Fiction and Fantasy Literary and Filk Convention in the Dallas/Fort Worth Area

Guest of Honor: Gregory Benford

Music Guest of Honor: Three Weird Sisters

Artist Guest of Honor: Real Musgrave

Fen Guest of Honor: Gerald Burton

Toastmaster: Howard Waldrop

Special Guest: Jay Lake

ORAC Special Guest: Doris Egan

plus many more guests

October 3-5, 2008

Crowne Plaza North Dallas - Addison, Texas

This is the online archive of our 2008 website. Please also visit our current website.

FenCon News and Notes

Thank you: We can't possibly say it enough because without the fen there is no FenCon (and what a sad, dark world that would be). We matched our 2007 attendance figures, raised a bunch of money for charity, got to meet a whole mess of new folks, got to catch up with even more old friends, and people keep telling us they enjoyed our insane level of programming.

Special thanks go out to Guest of Honor Greg Benford and Dr. Albert Jackson for being bold enough to organize Southewestercon 6 in 1958 and for being nice enough to share the experience with us in 2008. More special thanks to Real Musgrave for his incredible artwork on both the program book and convention guide plus for generously allowing us to sell that cover art print for charity. In fact, we offer special thanks to all of our guests, program participants, staff, volunteers, and the many behind the scenes folks you probably didn't see while they made FenCon V our best convention yet. We hope to see you all in 2009 for FenCon VI: Sci-Fi DIY!

FenCon is of the fen, by the fen, and for the fen.

You oughta be in pictures:Thanks to all the folks that sent us links to their FenCon V picture galleries. Here are a few of the best for your enjoyment: Gerald Burton, Neil Cajuin Dronet, Bobby Hitt, and sankgreall.

And we've got video, too! Brobdinnagian Bards, Mary Crowell at the Cabaret, Three Weird Sisters at the Cabaret, and Fairies Gone Wild.

FenCon V: Celebrating 50 years of SF conventions in Texas

You're very welcome: We wanted to pass along some of the very nice notes we got from our guests this year. They made us smile and we think you'll enjoy 'em, too.

  Gregory Benford: "Elisabeth and I thank you sincerely for a wonderful convention. We were treated elegantly, the coordination was excellent, and I had more smart, savvy conversations than I can remember. The fans were enthused, the panels funny and on point, and people listened to me far beyond mere politeness. I got a look at Big D renewed, visited old haunts, and found friends I hadn't seen in ages. It was stimulating and great fun, especially the Texas steaks and chili! My thanks to all of you who made it happen. Hope to see you soon!"

  Mary Crowell: "Oh, wow! What an amazingly awesome con! I will write more later, but for now, I am home. I have mountains of laundry and a husband and child that have missed me. But, I would like to say a heartfelt thanks to the FENCON concom, Panda*monium, and all the folks who attended and participated in FENCON for making Three Weird Sisters feel so welcome."

  Jay Lake: "FenCon Days 2 and 3: Blur. Interview. Lunch. Dinner. Panel. Panel. Panel. Party. Party. Quality time with Greg Benford. Double entendres 'r us. Blur. Not necessarily in that order. A terrific convention that has treated me very, very well."

  Gerald Burton: "Thank you to the committee and the attendees who made my stint as FenCon V Fan Guest a great time. FenCon has once again proven it is one of the best Fan run cons in the region. If you ever get the chance to go, do so. I doubt you will be disappointed. - Capt Coconutt"

  The Musgraves: "Dear Friends, Real and I want to thank you for dragging us kicking and screaming....er I mean ...inviting us to FenCon. We had a wonderful time and really appreciate all that you did for us. Our room was gorgeous and so comfortable. Lunch at El Fenix, our favorite restaurant (how did you know?) was yummy and such fun. Art Show set-up was the easiest ever. And Art Show sales were super--especially during this economy! All in all we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves and will remember FenCon fondly as we hunker back down in our house and become hermits once again. THANK YOU! - Muff and Real"

  Bradley Denton: "First, I wanted to thank all y'all for a truly wonderful FenCon V. I had a blast; I know David Lee had a blast; and I also know that all of my fellow Austinites who made the trip up to Addison had a blast, too. Second, I wanted to let you know that I did indeed stop by the Temple VA on my way home on Sunday. Howard said he'd had a "bad night" Saturday, but he was doing well by the time I saw him Sunday evening. He loved the giant card with the multitude of signatures (and the swell Real Musgrave cover art), and he was also quite appreciative of the goody bag. He said the nurses would probably confiscate the foam-rubber missile, but he may have been exaggerating... In addition, Howard was very pleased with how "Chili From Yuggoth" turned out in the Program Book. It made him reminisce a bit about those days in the mid-70s when he was writing stories like "Save a Place in the Lifeboat for Me" and "Mary Margaret Road-Grader." He instructed me to "thank EVERYone at FenCon" for him. He was unhappy that he couldn't be there, just as we were unhappy to be there without him. But trust me when I tell you that your gifts and good wishes made him very happy on Sunday evening. Thank you, all."

  R.L. Copple: "So, left Dallas feeling pretty good about all that had happened. Met a lot of people, made some new friends, and hopefully some fans. Met Bill Snodgrass in person, and rubbed shoulders with some folks further along in the field than I. All in all a great weekend. And guess what? I’m already making plans to be at the next one in September 2009. Hope to see some of you there. (read more on his blog)"

FenCon is of the fen, by the fen, and for the fen.

Read all about it: Did you miss a copy of the only newsletter bold and exciting enough to be called FenCon's official newsletter? You're in luck because now you can grab PDF copies of the FenCon ION to read and ponder through the upcoming winter months. There were three issues this year: Friday, Saturday or Sunday.

Review your weekend: Jump to the complete schedule for Friday, Saturday or Sunday or go to the Video Room or Gaming schedules.

FenCon V: Celebrating 50 years of SF conventions in Texas

Listen up: FenCon's charity efforts this year benefitted Reading & Radio Resource, a Dallas-based organization that records books for the blind and vision disabled. They also have a regular radio program which they broadcast in conjunction with KERA. Our Charity Art Print by Real Musgrave, the Charity Auction, and other efforts raised nearly $2100 for this worthy cause. Thanks to all the fen for their support

Reading and Radio Resource logo

Reading & Radio Resource is a non-profit 501(c)(3) volunteer agency, dedicated since 1969 to providing alternatives to reading for those who are visually or physically disabled and/or learning differenced.You can find more information on them at www.readingresource.org.

FenCon is of the fen, by the fen, and for the fen.

Older news and notes are in the Archive

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Our main contact address is info@fencon.org. Please include the word "FenCon" in your subject line to avoid our spam-filter. You can also use the buttons below or find more contact information on our Contact Information page.

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Take a letter: FenCon and the Dallas Future Society have an updated mailing address. Please make a note of this in your address books.

      P. O. Box 701448
      Dallas, TX 75370-1448

FenCon and the Dallas Future Society are not connected in any way to FedConUSA or FedCon GmbH

Last updated 12 October 2008