FenCon VII - September 17-19, 2010 - Dallas, Texas

Mad Science!

Memberships - Join us!

Guests and Program Participants

FenCon Convention Hotel


FenCon Art Show

Dealers Room

Contact Information

Join the FenCon Team

Publications, Forms, and Ad Sales

Frequently Asked Questions

History of FenCon

Designated Charity for 2010

Short Story Contest

Writers Workshop

Upcoming Conventions

Links to Other Sites

The FenCon VII home page


A Fan-Operated Science Fiction and Fantasy Literary and Filk Convention in the Dallas/Fort Worth Area

Links to Other Sites of Interest

Local SF Organizations

ORAC logo

Organized Rebel Adventurers Club (ORAC)
Dallas/Fort Worth-area science fiction and fantasy fan group

IHOD logo

Intergalactic House of Daleks (IHOD)
Dallas/Fort Worth-area Doctor Who viewing society

USS Trinity River logo

USS Trinity River (NCC-6425)
Dallas-area STARFLEET chapter and Star Trek fan club


Dallas/Ft. Worth Browncoats home on the Cortex

IFGS Dallas logo

Dallas IFGS
Dallas chapter of the International Fantasy Gaming Society

ALAMO logo

Austin Literary Arts Maintenance Organization

Other Organizations

Texas Filk logo

The Texas Filk Page
Filk and related events in Texas

Association of Science Fiction & Fantasy Artists
Organization for SF/F artists, responsible for the Chesley Awards

International Costumers Guild
Affiliation of costumers dedicated to costuming as an art form

Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America
Organization for SF professionals, responsible for the Nebula Awards

Southwest Celtic Music Association
Promotes worldwide Celtic cultures and regional Celtic cultures in the Southwest US

Speculative Literature Foundation
Dedicated to promoting literary quality in speculative fiction

The Dawn Patrol
A loose gathering of fans from across the US and Canada

Links of Interest

The Hugo Awards
News and information about science fiction's highest honor

Science Fiction Crowsnest
Europe's most popular science fiction and fantasy site

Fresh Fiction
News, columns, and reviews of genre books

Listing of science fiction and other conventions

Sci-Fi Conventions.com
Global guide to science fiction conventions

Science Fiction Conventions Worldwide
German guide to SF conventions around the world

Dallas weather from Weather Underground

Powered by WebRing.

Last updated 16 August 2010




Text and images Copyright 2003-2010 by Dallas Future Society, Dallas, Texas.
FenCon is a production of the Dallas Future Society, a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation dedicated to the advancement of science, literature, and music for the future of all mankind. This material is published by the Dallas Future Society in furtherance of its literary and educational purposes. The opinions expressed are those of the editors and contributors and do not necessarily reflect the view of the Dallas Future Society, its Officers, or Directors.
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