FenCon VIII - September 23-25, 2011 - Dallas, Texas

A Fan-Operated Science Fiction and Fantasy Literary and Filk Convention in the Dallas/Fort Worth Area

FenCon Friday Programming

FenCon VIII Friday Programming Highlights:

We're fleshing out the schedule. What you see below is preliminary and subject to change. 

Hover over a panel title to see a description.

FenCon VIII Friday Autograph Schedule:


3:00 PM

L. Anders, Tr. Morris, A. Porter

3:30 PM


4:00 PM

B. Sinor, S. Sinor

4:30 PM

Jump to
 Saturday Programming   Sunday Programming

Programming Layout Children's Programming Schedule

Video Room Schedule   Gaming Schedule

Other Friday Programming:
3:00 PM  -
Tea and Chat With Gail Carriger
Con Suite
5:00 PM  -
Pinkies Up - The Art of Serving and Taking Tea
Con Suite Patio

FenCon VIII Friday Programming Schedule:


aTrinity I - IV

bRed Oak

cPin Oak

dLive Oak

eAddison Lecture Hall




12:00 AM


9:00 AM

Writers Workshop: Session B

L. Anders*

12:00 PM

Super-Hero Summer

P. Black
G. Lillian
S. Patrick
C. Spector
K. Hosey*

1:00 PM

Heard Any Good Books Lately?

P. Black
M. Finn
E. Nahté
G. Reyes*

Dystopia'ed to Death

S. Hoyt
A. Martinez
B. Denton*
Drawing with Mr. Braun

M. Braun*

2:00 PM

Fiction in 140 Characters

M. Fletcher
K. Hosey
V. Kennedy
K. Turski
M. Muenzler*

Sci-Fi Tech: What's Next?

D.L. Anderson
P. Black

"Super Me!"

R. Kelley
J. Kenner
S. Patrick
M. White*

E. Nahté

2:30 PM


K. Bogen

3:00 PM

But, Minecraft!

T. Caldwell
M. Eber
M. Hines
G. Oliver
T. Morgan*

Villains: A Love/Hate Relationship

R. Eudaly
J. Mandala
E. O'Neal
S. Sinor
S. Williams
M. Muenzler*

Xena: 10 Years Later

B. Hale
E. Nahté
S. Rosen
C. Spector
V. Kennedy*
Hats and More!

B. Demonja*
M. Miller*


F. Summers

3:30 PM


J.K. Cheney

4:00 PM

Into the Black: Manned Interstellar Travel

D. Gray
L. Johnson
K. Murphy
S. Padget
W. Ledbetter*

Genre Crossing

J.K. Cheney
R. Rose
J. Wells
S. Williams
R. Clement-Moore*

Fanzines: Birthplace of Professionals

B. Foster
G. Lillian
T. Patterson
L. Smith
M. White
S. Silver*

Welcome to Global Dynamics

K. Bogen
B. Hale
A. Martinez
T. Morris
G. Oliver*

Choosing an eReader

P. Black
M. Bonham
D. Foye
M. Middleton
L. Killough*


K. Turski

4:30 PM


V. Kennedy

5:00 PM

Family Filk

M. Middleton
M. Miller*

The South Will Write Again

M. Finn
A. Lowry
S. White
K. Hutson Price*

Space la Petite: Nanotech in Space

C. Donahue
F. Summers
W. Ledbetter*

Pyr Books Presents

L. Anders*

Beginning Arduino Workshop

M. Eber*

L. Smith

5:30 PM


S. Silver

6:00 PM

The Art of Vincent Di Fate

V. Di Fate

Bond, James Bond

C. Garcia
E. Nahté
A. Porter
J. Turner*

The Sanctuary Network

M. Bardsley
G. Oliver
G. Reyes*

Monster Evolution

M. Bonham
G. Carriger
B. Sinor
S. Wedel
J. Wells
F. Summers*

Gravity Wells Suck

K. Baty
D. Gray
S. Padget
W. Ledbetter*

S. Rosen

6:30 PM


A. Martinez

7:00 PM

Opening Ceremonies

L. Anders
J. Barrett
J. Bethancourt
G. Carriger
B. Denton
V. Di Fate
L. Johnson
S. Martiniere
S. Silver

8:00 PM

Joe Bethancourt Friday Night Concert

J. Bethancourt

YA, I'm Scared!

M. Bardsley
R. Caine
R. Clement-Moore
S. Wedel*

Remembering Sarah Jane and the Brig

J. Leaf
T. Miller
R. Rose
K. Sullivan
A. Porter*

The Moon We Never Knew

L. Johnson
K. Murphy

The Queen Would Be Even More Amused: Another Look At Real Victorian Clothing

K. O'Brien*

What is a fan writer anyway?

M. Bonham
W. Buff
G. Lillian
C. Clamp*

9:00 PM

Starcruisers in Concert

D.L. Anderson

Real Ghostbusting

D. Rainbolt*

What Would Torchwood Do?

V. Kennedy
T. Miller
L. Smith
K. Sullivan
G. Oliver*

Patriotism Turns 70: Captain America & Wonder Woman

A. Martinez
A. Porter
B. Waller
S. Patrick*

Put Some Hustle in Your Bustle

K. O'Brien*

Comedy Writing Workshop

G. Carriger*

10:00 PM

Darwin Prophet in Concert

L. Case
D. Prophet

SF Pictionary

C. Conrad
R. Farran
B. Foster
D. Harris
A. Lowry
S. Martiniere
S. Murphy
T. Harvia*

Yard Dog Press Road Show

D.L. Anderson
L. Donahue
R. Eudaly
V. Kennedy
J. Mandala
Tr. Morris
K. Hutson Price
D. Rainbolt
R. Rose
S. Rosen
B. Sinor
S. Sinor
F. Summers
M. Tatum
J. Turner
K. Turski
M. White

This is not the Liar's Panel

L. Antonelli
R. Clement-Moore
B. Denton
S. Wedel
C. Garcia *

Aether Aesthetics: Importance of Style in Steampunk

P. Charlifu
M. Finn
B. Hale

Root Beer Tasting

T. Miller
K. Baty*

11:00 PM

Friday Night Chaos Filk

Friday Night Bardic Filk


* indicates the panel moderator

Jump to the schedule for Saturday or Sunday or go to the main Programming page, the Children's Programming schedule, the Video Room schedule, or the Gaming page.

Saturday Programming   Sunday Programming   Programming Layout
Children's Programming Schedule   Video Room Schedule   Gaming Schedule



Text and images Copyright 2003-2011 by Dallas Future Society, Dallas, Texas.
FenCon is a production of the Dallas Future Society, a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation dedicated to the advancement of science, literature, and music for the future of all mankind. This material is published by the Dallas Future Society in furtherance of its literary and educational purposes. The opinions expressed are those of the editors and contributors and do not necessarily reflect the view of the Dallas Future Society, its Officers, or Directors.
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