This is the archive of the FenCon XVIII site. Return to Archive page | Return to the main FenCon site

The Magic Returns in 2022!

A Fan-Operated Science Fiction and Fantasy Literary and Filk Convention in the Dallas/Fort Worth Area
September 16-18, 2022 * Sheraton DFW Airport, 4440 W. John Carpenter Freeway, Irving, TX

FenCon XVIII Costuming Programming

Visit the Costuming gang in the Medal of Honor room!  (Look for signs, it's to the right of the bar in the Lobby). It's a friendly hang out space. We'll have a sewing station for last minute repairs and fixes, reference books for inspiration, displays of hats and fun costumes, and people to bounce ideas off!

Need a new set of measurements? Need help with a pattern? Need another pair of hands for a fitting? Drop in during our open hours (when there's not a panel in process) and visit! 

Just need a quiet place to knit and spin some yarns with fellow crafters? You're welcome to come and sit a spell. 

For other programming interest to costume & makers, see FenCon’s Maker track!!


† = Advance sign-up required.



jMedal of Honor

4:00 PM

Costume Meet-and-Greet
J. Hayden *

6:30 PM





fGrapevine 2

jMedal of Honor

11:00 AM

Current State of Starfleet/Star Trek Uniforms
T. Clart
Tr. Clark
K. O'Brien
J. Hayden *
  Intro to Prop and Costume Lighting
J. Barrett

12:00 PM

  Learning to See : How to Assess Costumes Seen in TV, Movies, Books, Comics, and Anime
J. Hayden

1:00 PM

   Trailer Park Fae: What Are Some Different Takes on the Fae?
K. O'Brien
J. Hayden *

2:00 PM


3:00 PM

   Victorian Garment Construction
J. Hayden
K. O'Brien *

4:00 PM


5:00 PM

We're all BONED! Corsets Through Time
E. Hankins

6:00 PM




fGrapevine 2

jMedal of Honor

10:00 AM

  There's a Pattern... Why Should I Bother?
K. O'Brien
J. Hayden *

11:00 AM


12:00 PM

So You Want to Make a Major Cosplay/Historical Costume
B. Necessary
K. O'Brien
J. Hayden *

12:45 PM


1:00 PM

  Care and Feeding of Costumes
B. Necessary
J. Hayden *

2:00 PM