LawDog was born on the island of Malta to an oil engineer and a teacher -- both Americans. He was raised in Africa and the Middle East, before being dragged kicking and screaming to the United States.He has been a soldier, an EMT, a short order cook, the world's worst rodeo clown, and recently retired from law enforcement in Texas.When not Standing Out Front and Looking Pretty for his publishing house, he can be found in North Texas, usually staring perplexedly at a blinking cursor on a blank screen; in the company of a very patient lady and two fur children.

Julie Barrett
(Stately Barrett Manor) (Steamcat) (Facebook)Julie Barrett is a writer, photographer, and maker of interesting things from Plano, TX. She is also a founding member of The Generic Radio Workshop, member of the Dallas Future Society board, and sells photography, fiber art, and hats through SteamCat.net. Julie writes short stories, radio plays, and whatever else helps pay the bills. She hates the bills. Find her at Stately Barrett Manor or on Facebook.

Paul Barrett
Amongst Paul's many pastimes, a favorite is creating, finding, and
programming the sound effects for Generic Radio Workshop productions. As with
the other GRW founders, he's done so many of these shows, he's no longer sure
if this is reality, or if he's living in an episode of Dimension X. Other
hobbies are prop-building and 3D printing--he has been known to demonstrate all
the ways this can go wrong.

Jon Black
Black) (Facebook)
(Twitter) From a 24-hour coffeehouse in Austin, Jon writes historical fiction with pulp or supernatural flavors. His work includes the Arthurian historical fantasy series Bel Nemeton and the Jazz Age supernatural mystery Gabriel’s Trumpet. Out in October, Chupacabra vs. Rougarou, is a monster-mashup that cuts to the funnybone.

Paul Black
(Paul Black) (Wikipedia) (Facebook)Paul Black
always wanted to make movies, but a career in advertising sidetracked him. He's
the international award-winning author of The Tels, Soulware, Nexus Point, The Presence, The Samsara Effect, Cool
Brain, and Dark Slide. He has twice won
each the Independent Publishers Book Award, London and the New York Book
Festival. He has also been on the Barnes & Noble Regional Best Seller list,
has won the Writer’s Digest Book Award for Genre Fiction, and was optioned for television.

K.B. Bogen
(Facebook)A cat-loving native of Texas, K.B. Bogen is a self-confessed knit-/yarn-aholic. She spends much time knitting something (with the help of her three cats), inventorying her stash (also with the help of the cats), or fondling yarn anywhere within driving range (the cats don’t like road trips). She likes to cook and enjoys reading forensic anthropology books. Occasionally simultaneously. For nearly thirty years, she has also been lurking behind the scenes doing editing, copy editing and manuscript repair. With the rise in the numbers of epublications, her client load has increased. Time to come out of the editorial closet! Fortunately, writing and editing are not mutually exclusive pursuits. Her most recent publication, Everything Works in Theory, is available on Amazon, Baen, and Barnes & Noble. The first two books of the Quest series are also available. Coming soon Surely, You Quest—book three of the Quest.

David Carrico
David Carrico, like a surprising number of other fans and writers, was a military brat, raised in the Air Force. He writes alternate history, science fiction, and fantasy, and is published by Baen Books and Eric Flint's Ring of Fire Press. His latest publication is The Blood Is the Life, released by Baen Books in September 2022, but there are new books from ROFP in 2022 as well.

Mary Crowell
(Mary Crowell) (Twitter)Dr. Mary C. Crowell (she/her) is a geeky musician/songwriter/teacher from north Alabama. Her doctorate is in music composition, and she teaches music theory, composition, piano and sometimes yoga. Mary writes songs about gaming, coffee, beagles, mythology, and zombies. Mary has made a new gaming album—I Have missed You at My Table!

J.L. Curtis
(JL Curtis) (twitter) (Amazon) (Facebook)JL Curtis has novels out in three different series, The Grey Man (urban fiction), Rimworld (military science fiction), and a new series, Showdown on the River (western). He has written a number of novellas and short stories for a number of anthologies. A retired Naval Flight officer, he spent 20+ years in the Navy, then worked as an engineer with a defense contractor for another 20+ years. A long-time shooter and NRA instructor, he now lives in North Texas and writes full time.

Steve Diamond
Steven Diamond writes for Baen, WordFire Press, Gallant Knight Games, and numerous small publications. He is the author of Residue, a YA supernatural thriller, and numerous short stories which can be found in his collection What Hellhounds Dream and Other Stories. Steve lives in Utah with his wife and two kids. His influences are Robert McCammon, Brian Lumley, and many others. He is the co-author of Servants of War with Larry Corriea, and is co-host of the WriterDojo Podcast.

Chris Donahue
Chris Donahue is an electrical engineer living
in the Dallas area with his wife and fellow-author, Linda. A former member of a
Joe Bob Briggs' Drive In Review committee, he served the public by counting
rolling heads, types of Fu, and exposed breasts in committee films. Outside of
that, he has been a Navy Avionics tech, brewer, and writes sci-fi, military
fiction, horror, humor, and combinations of those themes. His first novel,
Death's Paladin, is now available.

Linda L. Donahue
(Linda L. Donahue)Linda has degrees in computer science, Russian studies, Earth science education, and electrical engineering. Additionally, she teaches tai chi and belly dancing, can borrow moon rock samples, and is a certified commercial instrument pilot, advanced ground instructor, and SCUBA diver. Her latest short stories have appeared in Heroic Fantasy Quarterly #25 and Chicks and Balances. Her novel, Jaguar Moon, is available from Yard Dog Press. She lives with her husband and pet rabbits, sugar gliders, and cats in Garland, Texas.

Dennis Donigan
Dennis Donigan resides in Boulder, Colorado with his fiancée, Cheryl. Having retired fromteaching, he has embraced helping Cheryl with the grandkids. His musical interests are diverse,but he has recently (thanks Covid!) been exploring Celtic pagan music, mythology and folklore.A common thread is the appreciation of nature and its changing seasons. His concert willhighlight these themes and others and will feature the music of Damh the Bard and Leslie Fish,among others.

Phillip Drayer Duncan
(Philip Drayer Duncan) (Website)
Phillip Drayer Duncan is the author of 15 novels including the Blade Mage, Moonshine Wizard, andAssassins Inc. series.
Along with reading and writing, he enjoys kayakin', canoein', fishin'; and pretty much anything nerdrelated. During warm months, his habitat includes the river or a campfire. In the colder season, he maybe spotted under a pile of books or videogames. His greatest dream is to become a Jedi, but since thathasn’t happened yet, he focuses on writing.

Marianne Dyson
(Marianne Dyson) (Facebook) (Linkedin)Marianne Dyson was one of NASA’s first female flight controllers and now is a historian for Mission Control and Best STEM Book Award children’s author (for a book co-authored with Buzz Aldrin). Her latest SF story and fact article (Sept/Oct Analog) explores the legacy of Apollo in The Power of Apollo (16). Problems during real spaceflights are the focus of Shuttle Mission Control: Flight Controller Stories and Photos, 1981-1992, and her memoir, A Passion for Space.

Thor Dyson
With a master's
degree in physics, Thor Dyson joined Mission Control at NASA in 1979. He was a
Space Shuttle Guidance Officer until the Challenger accident, then focused his computer
skills on NASA’s networks and information systems. He was the Johnson Space
Center Chief Information Security Official when he retired in 2011.The proud
owner of a Cessna 182Q, he’s a volunteer pilot with the Coast Guard Auxiliary.
He enjoys playing Black Desert online and playing Pokémon with his international

Rhonda Eudaly
(Rhonda Eudaly) Rhonda Eudaly lives in Arlington, Texas where she's ventured into several industries and occupations for a wide variety of experience. She's married with dogs and a rapidly growing Minion© army. Her two passions are writing and music, which is evident in her increasing horde of writing instruments.
Rhonda has a well-rounded publication history in fiction, non-fiction, and script writing. Check out her website for her latest publications and downloads.
(Photo by Bobby Hitt)

Declan Finn
Declan Finn is a 3-time Dragon Award finalist. He was born in New York City. He is the published author of some 30 novels, ranging from urban fantasy and horror, to mysteries and thrillers. His current series is Saint Tommy NYPD, from Tuscany Bay Press.

Brad W. Foster
(Brad W. Foster) (Jabberwocky Graphix)Hugo-award winning artist Brad W Foster lives to draw, and draws to live, and still loves to see his artwork in that so-last-century thing called "print". Over the decades his work has appeared in hundreds of publications, large and small, and he hopes to add a few thousand more to that list. You can learn more than you would probably care to just by spending a few hours wandering around his website, Jabberwocky Graphix.

Monalisa Foster
(Monalisa Foster) (Facebook) (Amazon) Monalisa Foster writes science fiction with heart which mostly manifests itself as space opera with romantic elements that focus on love, chivalry, adventure, and what it means to be free. She never thought she'd be using her background in physics, engineering, and medicine to write compelling characters but figures that someone has to do it, so it might as well be her. She has written two epic space opera novels, Conquest and Ascension, in her Ravages of Honor series.

Karl Gallagher
(Karl K. Gallagher) (Twitter)Karl K. Gallagher is a systems engineer, doing data analysis for a major aerospace company. He writes both science fiction (the Torchship Trilogy) and fantasy (The Lost War). Four of his novels were finalists for the Prometheus Award for best Libertarian SF novel. His books are available on Amazon and Audible. His most recent book is Captain Trader Helmsman Spy, book 4 in the Fall of the Censor space opera series. New releases are announced on his website and twitter.

Generic Radio Workshop
(Generic Radio Workshop)Generic Radio Workshop has been around longer than the Golden Age of Radio lasted -- a little over thirty years. They started with the Texas Broadcast Museum and have performed at festivals, conventions, and yes, on the radio. They use as much vintage equipment as possible for that "old time radio" feel. Plus, many of their sound effects devices are hand-built, following period designs. While they've made a few concessions to modern technology, their core practices follow radio's Golden Age.

Kelly Grayson
Kelly Grayson, AGS, NRP, CCP is a Critical Care Paramedic with Acadian Ambulance in southwest Louisiana, and an EMS Educator for twenty-eight years. He is the owner and founder of MEDIC Training Solutions, an EMS training and consulting firm. He is a passionate EMS advocate and a frequent EMS conference speaker, contributing author to several EMS textbooks, award-winning columnist for EMS1.com and EMS World Magazine, podcaster, and author of several books.

Teddy Harvia
Teddy Harvia
is the well-known pen name of David Thayer. He has drawn scores of wild
beasts, strange BEMs, and big-nosed whiz kids from a world far
from Earth who use short words to make fun of all kinds of things
in scores of toons and fan art for flyers, zines, and con pubs since 1967.
He lives with wife Diana and five fat cats in Dallas, Texas. To earn
his keep, he works with words at a high-tech firm.

Rob Howell
(Rob Howel) ( Amazon) ( BLOG ) (New mythology Press)Rob Howell is a founder of the Eldros Legacy fantasy setting and an author in the Four Horsemen Universe. He is also the publisher of New Mythology Press, including his work as editor of the Libri Valoris anthologies of heroic fantasy. He is a reformed medieval academic, a former IT professional, and a retired soda jerk. His parents discovered quickly books were the only way to keep Rob quiet. Without books, it’s unlikely all three would have survived.

Sarah A. Hoyt
Sarah A. Hoyt was born in Portugal and lives not too far from the Texas Troublemakers. She has published over 35 novels and 150 short stories, won the Prometheus award and the Dragon award. She has written science fiction, fantasy, mystery and historical fiction and makes no promises about what she will write tomorrow.

Bart Kemper
Wandering consultant, licensed Professional Engineer, writer, photographer, and military professional from the Atchafalaya Basin. Enjoys cooking, inventing stuff, breaking stuff, blowing stuff up, computer simulations, pointy objects, and moonlight walks in far away lands. Works in a wide variety of industries and countries, helps develop engineering codes & standards, and tries to make the world a little bit better place. Dislikes include despots, sandstorms, and crap beer. Willing to relocate off-planet. Mostly harmless.

Kissin' the Blarney Stone
Kissin' The Blarney
Stone was created when 3 of the 4 members of the Fogeys performed at St.
Patrick Day festivities in Boulder, Colorado. Dennis, James, and Dene have
already performed at FenCon in various combinations and once, all at the same
time! With their eclectic repertoire, they have performed in many venues to
unsuspecting audiences, and didn't even need chicken wire.

Jim Mahaffey
James Mahaffey is a native Midwesterner who is a transplanted "Texan-by-marriage". His introduction to filk began when he worked the first FenCon convention. He spent ten years as ConOps before volunteering as "the sound guy" and co-ConChair. He serves on the BOD for Dallas Future Society and was ConChair for the first two WhoFest conventions, organized by DFS. James works as an architectural services consultant. He is a singer, songwriter, guitarist and bassist. In 2017, he released his first CD, Transit, with his project band, The Scrap Merchants.

Julia S. Mandala
(Julia S. Mandala)Julia S. Mandala holds a BA in history from Kansas State
University and a JD in law from Tulane. In addition to being editor of The
Fantasy Writers Asylum, an imprint of Yard Dog Press, she is a scuba diver and
belly dancer. She lives in Plano, TX with her husband Larry and two demanding,
but adorable cats. She is best known as a co-author of the Four Redheads of the
Apocalypse series and the Corimar series.

Dawn Mennear
Dawn comes from Des Moines, IA, and she has been coming to FenCon since FenCon II
and considers it one of the best run conventions, with some of the
friendliest people around. She doesn't write but she reads voraciously and
considers that an excellent reason to attend. She is 54, Rubenesque, and
nosy in a good way. Loves to crochet and will often be seen in corners
crocheting away.

Tim Morgan
Tim Morgan is an award-winning professional
futurist who has worked with NASA Langley, Kimberly Clark, Ontario Institute of
Cancer Research, & others. Tim is currently CEO of the North Texas
Foresight Institute, member of the Association of Professional Futurists, a
2019 APF Emerging Fellow, past president of the Dallas Future Society, and
former FenCon conchair.

Kathleen O'Brien
(Vintage Fashion Explained) (Victorian Smoking Caps) (Writers' Resources)Kathleen M. O'Brien began sewing at age 4, learning traditional techniques from her mother and grandmother. She collects and studies vintage clothing to decipher mysteries of drape and fit found in previous eras. Her costumes include both original designs and reproductions, utilizing many historical techniques. She enjoys sharing both these skills and her collection with others and has published several books including "Victorian Smoking Caps" and her "Writers' Resources" series. Check out her website at Vintage Fashion Explained.

Stephanie Osborn
Stephanie Osborn, award-winning Interstellar Woman of Mystery, is a 20+-year space program veteran with multiple STEM degrees. She has authored, co-authored, or contributed to some 50+ books, including Burnout, Displaced Detective, Gentleman Aegis, EMPIRE, We Shall Rise, and the Division One series, her take on the urban legend of mysterious people who make evidence...disappear.

Stephen Patrick
(Facebook) (The Holocaust Engine)Born in the Kentucky bluegrass, but inspired by the Lone Star
state, Stephen Patrick's storytelling ranges between historical, thriller,
science fiction, and horror. His most recent offerings include The Holocaust Engine trilogy
with David Rike, and stories in Road Kill: Texas Horror by Texas Authors, Vol
1 and 2 and Crimson Streets.
year, he explores new skills/disciplines to find ideas for his work. This year
is geology/rockhounding and skateboarding, which have more in common than he
cares to admit.

Dusty Rainbolt
(Dusty Rainbolt)Dusty Rainbolt was raised by aliens after being abandoned on Earth by grays who abhorred the School System in the eastern spiral arm of the galaxy. An award-winning veterinary journalist, she authored/coauthored 13 fiction and nonfiction books including Death Under the Crescent Moon, All the Marbles and The Four Redheads of the Apocalypse series. Her latest book, Ghost Cats 2: More Encounters with Feline Spirits will be released in August 2022. Her feline behavior books, Cat Scene Investigator and Finding Your Lost Cat have saved many family felines.

Ravenar (Amora, Linda Donahue, and Julia Mandala) performs traditional and SF/Fantasy-themed belly dance. They have appeared at several World Cons and at regional conventions in the Midwest and South.

Rie Sheridan Rose
(Rie Sheridan Rose) (Facebook) (Twitter)Rie Sheridan Rose's work appears in numerous anthologies, including Under Her Skin, Hides the Dark Tower, Dark Divinations, and Startling Stories. In addition, she has authored twelve novels, six poetry chapbooks, and dozens of song lyrics. For the most complete bibliography, check out her Amazon page. Member of the SFPA, HWA, and SFWA, she tweets as @RieSheridanRose. Now the air-conditioning is working for the first time in 5 years, she's on a mission to clean house!

Amber Royer
(Amber Royer) (Facebook) (Instagram) (Youtube) (Amazon) (Goodreads)Amber Royer writes the Chocoverse comic telenovela-style foodie-inspired space opera series, and the Bean to Bar Mysteries. She is also the author of Story Like a Journalist: a Workbook for Novelists. She teaches creative writing and is an author coach. Amber and her husband live in the DFW Area, where you can often find them hiking or taking landscape/architecture/wildlife photographs. If you are very nice to Amber, she might make you cupcakes. Amber blogs about creative writing technique and all things chocolate.

Ken Ruffin
(National Space Society of North Texas) A Trekkie and a former Aerospace Engineering student, Ken serves on the Board of Advisors of the National Space Society (NSS) and is the Vice Chair of the International Space Development Conference (ISDC) in the DFW Metroplex in May 2020. Ken has also been serving as the VP of the award-winning NSS of North Texas (NSS-NT) since 2016. Across the DFW Metroplex and beyond, Ken gives presentations to inform and inspire the public about "the latest and greatest information in space travel and space development." Contact Ken with space questions or comments at ken.ruffin@nss.org.

Cedar Sanderson
(Cedar Sanderson)Cedar Sanderson's long and checkered career started with being paid in plants. Since then, she's come to prefer money, and has tried many ways to earn it: balloon twister, face painter, children's librarian, scientist, cosmetic chemist, author, artist, and many more. Currently she writes for a living with facts, and on the side she writes fiction for fun. Author of ten novels, countless short stories, and a children's book, she has also edited an anthology, and illustrated five coloring books. A born researcher, Cedar's passion for reading metamorphosed into writing, fueled by her long interest in history, infectious disease, food anthropology, and human behavior. After her four children had reached a suitable age, Cedar returned to higher education and obtained a Bachelor's of Science in Forensic Science and Investigation with minors in Chemistry and Molecular Biology, which enabled her to finally display the credentials to match her passion for scientific research. She currently resides somewhere in the north of Texas with a retired husband (who brings her coffee in the morning), a teenage son and his cat, and the family dog. She creates art daily, and writes fiction as often as she can make time. Her business, Sanderley Studios, offers her an umbrella under which she offers graphic design services, publishes her fiction and art books, and enables her to edit anthologies on occasion.

Kal Spriggs
Kal Spriggs is a US Army combat veteran, gamer, and science fiction and fantasy author. He has visited over 35 countries and has worked in a variety of industries including environmental remediation, farming, civil engineering, the military, and transportation. Kal has drawn upon those experiences to write over thirty novels with complex characters who live in realistic worlds. When he isn’t writing, reading, gaming, or otherwise working, Kal enjoys hiking, skiing, and camping.

Mike Stewart
(Victorious Website ) (Facebook)Mike Stewart has been part of the Role Playing Game industry for the past twenty years. His Steampunk Superhero RPG Victorious was the winner of the Three Castles RPG Design Award, in print through Troll Lord Games. Mike was also involved in the development of TLG’s Castles & Crusades RPG and books. He is also a podcaster, on both the C&C-based Crusader podcast as well as the Save For Half Old School Gaming Podcast.

Kathryn Sullivan
(Kathryn Sullivan) (Facebook)Kathryn Sullivan writes young adult science fiction and fantasy. Any
place and any object is at risk of appearing in her stories--the river
bluffs surrounding Winona, MN, where she lives, can become the windswept
cliffs of an alien planet
or the deep mysterious woods of a fantasy tale. She is owned by a large
cockatoo, who graciously allows her to write about other animals, as
well as birdlike aliens.

TheLab.ms – Everyone’s Makerspace
(TheLab.ms) (Facebook) (Twitter)TheLab.ms is an all-volunteer, non-profit makerspace located in
Richardson, Texas in the heart of the Innovation Quarter. A makerspace is
essentially a "gym for tinkerers". We provide 24/7 access to
equipment and facilities to our members for a monthly fee, including many
technology-based disciplines: 3D printing, laser cutting, CNC milling. We also
have areas and equipment for more traditional endeavors, including painting,
ceramics, fiber arts, and then some!

A.G. Thompson
From West Texas, A.G. Thompson is a Cold War USAF veteran, earning the rank of Staff Sergeant. He has BA degrees from the University of Louisville in both English and History focused on military history. He's a competition shooter, a voracious reader and long time wargamer. He's a 25-year UPS employee, a devoted cat-person, and married to Kae Thompson for 28 years. The Bounty Game was his idea, and he's happy to see it in print.

(Triskelion)Triskelion started as a group of friends who enjoyed playing music for fun, using MusiconFriday as their Yahoo group. Inspired by a love of Celtic music, Triskelion brings a variety of musical talent to the stage. Floyd Brigdon's background playing guitar for rock bands (and a begrudging country band or two) and as a singer/songwriter, Sarah Brigdon's as a church vocalist, and Leah Tharp's rhythm 12-string guitar and vocals blend together to bring a joyful and diverse blend of harmonies.

John Van Stry
John Van Stry was introduced to Science Fiction and Fantasy at an early age, a habitthat only continued to grow as he got older. The effect on his career and life becameobvious when he graduated college with a BSEE, did a stint in the USAF, and thenworked in aerospace for many years as a Flight Test Engineer. From there he became aconsultant with his primary focus on Test (software and hardware) Because of his careerpath, John has witnessed many technologies long before they came to market.

Alex Wakal
(Alex Wakal) (Facebook)Alex got tired of the military after 25 years working munitions and intelligence, is a pro 3-gunner with three decades of experience, serves as director and armorer of a small but entertaining WW2 museum in Abilene, Texas, and owns a full auto gun shop/shooting range/longhorn spa in central Texas. He understands that “military intelligence” is just the oxymoron it seems and that “military grade” is both a baseline and a pejorative.

C.V. Walter
C.V. Walter is a Science Fiction Romance author from Denver, CO. She started writing as a way to help support her family and discovered that not only was she good at it, she had a passion for it. Over the years she has published over 100 short stories and novels under various pen names. She can often be found traveling between Colorado and Texas and hanging out with her kids.

Mark Wandrey
International bestselling author of military sci-fi, space opera, and zombie apocalypse, Mark Wandrey is also the only 4four-time DragonCon Dragon Award finalist! He is best known for the Military Sci-Fi universe he created, The Four Horsemen Universe, with 79 books and growing. Living the full time RV lifestyle as a modern day nomad, Mark Wandrey travels the country with his wife of 25 years, Joy Wandrey, and two adorable chihuahuas.

William Alan Webb
Born and raised in West Tennessee, Bill graduated from the University of Memphis with a concentration in Creative Writing. He is the publisher of Quillcraft Press, Books for Writers, an imprint of Chris Kennedy Publishing. Webb has created The Last Brigade Universe, Hit World, Sharp Steel & High Adventure, and contributed to numerous other series', including the Salvage Title Universe, Murphy's Lawless, the Four Horsemen Universe, and Five Fold Universe. In addition, he writes military non-fiction, including the definitive history of the end of World War II in Austria, Killing Hitler's Reich, The Battle for Austria, 1945.

Toni Weisskopf
(Baen Books)Toni Weisskopf has been the publisher of Baen Books since 2006. Baen is known for its innovative e-publishing program, which has expanded under Weisskopf’s leadership to include titles from other publishers. She is interested in space science and serves on the Board of Advisors of the Interstellar Research Group.

Mel. White
(Facebook) (Twitter)Known to her kids as "Indiana Mom", Mel. has gone back to school to become "Dr. Indiana Mom." She still works on fossils for the Museum of Nature and Science, and is now a volunteer educator at Trinity River Audubon Center as well as a Texas Master Naturalist. She's also a proud member of the Yard Dog Press gang, with a story in A Bubba in Time Saves None.

Jack Wylder
The mysterious Jack Wylder, producer and co-creator of the WriterDojo podcast, has made a career of working behind the scenes. In his 25+ years in the marketing field he’s worked with huge names while mostly avoiding attention to himself. He’s worked as an artist, bass player, blacksmith, gunsmith, carpenter, convention organizer, editor, private investigator, writer, and has a bunch of interesting stories. Wylder is a Texan living in an undisclosed city with his wife, son, 2 cats, and 2 heelers.

Ben Yalow
Ben has been to 800+ cons, including the last 51 Worldcons, and worked on about a third of them, including most of the Worldcons on four continents. He was Fan GoH at the last Worldcon, and will be co-chairing the 2023 Worldcon in Chengdu, China. He’s edited four books for NESFA Press – the Hugo nominations were for the excellence of the author, not the editor. He’s just moved to Texas from New York.
