FenCon V - October 3-5, 2008 - Dallas, Texas


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Upcoming conventions


KERA Pledge Drive - December 15 2007


FenCon All-Hands Meeting and Kickoff Party - January 19 2008

Room Parties at ConDFW - February 22-24 2008

Info Table at All-Con - March 7-9 2008

Info Table at CAPE - May 3 2008

Room Party at Soonercon - June 6-8 2008

Room Party at ApolloCon - June 27-29 2008

Room Party at Conestoga - July 25-27 2008

Room Party at Armadillocon - August 15-17 2008



A Fan-Operated Science Fiction and Fantasy Literary and Filk Convention in the Dallas/Fort Worth Area

FenCon V Party Pages

December 15, 2007: Alan, Sylvia, Ed, Robyn, Tim, and Mary headed to the downtown Dallas studios of KERA-TV for a Saturday night pledge drive. They were working the phones to support the return of Doctor Who to the airwaves of North Texas. Several fans from the local Starfleet chapter "USS Trinity River" were also on hand to answer phones and fill out the forms that let viewers (like you!) enjoy all the benefits of KERA membership. Fun was had, food was eaten, and Daleks were everywhere.

FenCon at KERA

FenCon at KERA

Alan and Sylvia take a break between phone calls.

A Dalek waits for a Texan to donate to public television.

FenCon at KERA

FenCon at KERA

Lights, camera, public television!

Robyn helps a caller join at the $120 level.

FenCon at KERA

FenCon at KERA

Mary, Alan, Sylvia, and Tim hard at work.

Joe Dalek gets all the love.

Last updated 21 February 2008