
FenCon IX - September 21-23, 2012 - Dallas, Texas

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A Fan-Operated Science Fiction and Fantasy Literary and Filk Convention in the Dallas/Fort Worth Area

FenCon IX

Brad W. Foster Brad   W.   Foster

 Brad W Foster is an illustrator, cartoonist, writer, publisher, and whatever other labels he can use to get through the door! He's won the Fan Artist Hugo a few times, picked up a Chesley award, and turned a bit of self-publishing started about thirty years ago into the Jabberwocky Graphix publishing empire. (Total number of "employees: himself and his wife Cindy.)  His strange drawings and cartoons have appeared in over a thousand science fiction fanzines. On a more professional level he has worked as an illustrator for a various genre magazine, the better known among those being "Amazing Stories" and "Dragon".  In comics he had his own series some years back, "The Mechthings", and even got to play with the big boys for a few years as the official “Big Background Artist" of Image Comic's "Shadowhawk".

Outside our beloved genre it is possible you've seen more of work in titles as varied as "Cat Fancy”, "Cavalier", or "Highlights for Children". Most recently he has completed covers for a couple of Yard Dog Press books, illustrations for magazines such as Space & Time, Talebones and Leading Edge, and has even managed to work a dragon into the official poster for the Oktoberfest in Tulsa, Oklahoma!

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Text and images Copyright 2003-2012 by Dallas Future Society, Dallas, Texas.
FenCon is a production of the Dallas Future Society, a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation dedicated to the advancement of science, literature, and music for the future of all mankind. This material is published by the Dallas Future Society in furtherance of its literary and educational purposes. The opinions expressed are those of the editors and contributors and do not necessarily reflect the view of the Dallas Future Society, its Officers, or Directors.
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