A Fan-Operated Science Fiction and Fantasy Literary and Filk Convention in the Dallas/Fort Worth Area What do you call it when it's more than a costume contest, more than a concert, and much more than a whole bunch of amazing acts sure to delight? You call it the FenCon Cabaret, of course! Scenes from previous FenCon Cabarets This year's FenCon Cabaret lineup includes performances by the Generic Radio Workshop and Ravenar, our Masquerade, the Fourth Annual All-Star Git-Down Filk-Sing Hootenanny™ with Tom Smith, plus a few surprises. Masquerade: The FenCon Masquerade needs you to show off your fannish finest. Get all the details on our Masquerade page. Want more information on the cabaret? Would you like to participate? Drop us an e-mail at cabaret@fencon.org and you will be contacted as soon as possible by our dedicated and hard-working cabaret director. Last updated 17 September 2007 Text and images Copyright 2003-2007 by Dallas Future Society, Dallas, Texas. |