A Fan-Operated Science Fiction and Fantasy Literary and Filk Convention in the Dallas/Fort Worth Area Offering everything a fan could want from books to t-shirts to filk to toys and much more, the FenCon IV dealers room is full of fannish goodness! With our new location comes a bigger, more wide-open dealers room with more tables and wider aisles. We're happy to welcome our many returning dealers plus a bunch of new ones for FenCon IV. FenCon's very own FenConvenience Store will be at Table 1 & 2 by the door selling FenCon t-shirts, totebags, souvenir program books, and our limited-edition signed and numbered art prints by our past and present artist guests of honor. 100% of the price of these prints goes to benefit a designated charity. FenCon Dealers Room Setup: Thursday: 6:00pm to 11:00pm FenCon Dealers Room Hours: Friday: 2:00pm to 7:00pm FenCon Dealers Room Vendors:
FenCon Dealers Room Map: Dealer and author/fan tables are six feet long. Our dealer's room is completely sold out for 2007. Contact our dealer liaison Robyn Winans at dealers@fencon.org now to inquire about dealer space for 2008. We usually sell out quickly so don't delay. Tables include one membership badge. Dealer associate badges are available for a nominal charge. Last updated 15 September 2007 Text and images Copyright 2003-2007 by Dallas Future Society, Dallas, Texas. |