A Fan-Operated Science Fiction and Fantasy Literary and Filk Convention in the Dallas/Fort Worth Area FireflyDFW, the Dallas/Ft. Worth Browncoats, present: with Jarrod Davis and the Bedlam Bards
FenCon is excited to welcome the Browncoats and the Lone Star Shindig to the Metroplex. In conjunction with FireflyDFW, we've scheduled all sorts of shiny events to appeal to fans from casual to hardcore. To join in, just follow these simple steps:
Shindig-Related Convention Programming: Friday 4pm (Program One) To Infinity and Beyond: the Future of Commerical Space Travel (Jarrod Davis, Anderson, Ledbetter*, Gray) 6pm (Program One) Jarrod Davis Firefly Panel (Jarrod Davis*) 8pm (Program One) All Things Joss (Swendson*, Price, Martindale, Wilson, Clement-Moore, Roberson) 9pm (Main Stage) Bedlam Bards and the Songs of Serenity (Bedlam Bards*) Saturday 12pm (Main Stage) The Passion of the Browncoats (Jarrod Davis, Eudaly*, Cedric, Sheridan, Carl, Havens) 1pm (Autograph Area) Jarrod Davis and other guests of honor 2pm (Program Three) Can't Take the Sky From Me: A Fan's Perspective on Firefly (Cedric, Martindale*, Middleton, Sisson) 3pm (Program One) Firefly: Rendering the Scene (Jarrod Davis*) 4pm (Main Stage) Sci-Fi Channel Cage Match (Martindale, Jarrod Davis, Price, Simmons*, Martinez, Black) Sunday 10am (Program One) Holding out for an Anti-Hero (Black*, Clamp, Wolf, Adams, O'Barr, Donahue) 11am (Program One) Jarrod Davis Clip Reel (Jarrod Davis*) 12pm (Program Two) Finding Serenity (Wilson*, Swendson, Caine) 1pm (Second Stage) Bedlam Bards in Concert (Bedlam Bards*) 2pm (Program One) Firefly: Now What? (Swendson*, Jarrod Davis, Martindale, Hale, Sisson) Guests of the 2007 Lone Star Shindig:
Guest Update: Lone Star Shindig guest Keith R.A. DeCandido has regretfully let us know he will be unable to attend FenCon IV and the Lone Star Shindig. Family commitments have arisen that prevent his attendance. Last updated 14 September 2007 Text and images Copyright 2003-2007 by Dallas Future Society, Dallas, Texas. |