FenCon IV - September 2007 - Dallas, Texas

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Guests and Program Participants

FenCon Convention Hotel


FenCon Art Show

Dealers Room


Program Info and Schedules

Programming Schedule

FenCon Cabaret Info

Gaming Programming

FenCon Masquerade Info

Video Room Programming

Other Workshops


FenCon Short Story Contest

FenCon Writers Workshop

Publications, Forms, and Ad Sales


History of FenCon

Frequently Asked Questions

About Us - Get to know us


Upcoming conventions

Links to other sites



A Fan-Operated Science Fiction and Fantasy Literary and Filk Convention in the Dallas/Fort Worth Area

Publications and Ad Sales

SOUVENIR PROGRAM BOOK: People keep telling us how much they love our souvenir program books. Do they go crazy for the amazing artwork on the covers and inside? Is it the original short fiction, the detailed guest biographies, or the welcome letter from our convention chairman? Okay, it's probably not the welcome letter.

Know that we're already working hard to top ourselves for 2007 and that you get a copy free with your Friend of the Fen or regular three-day membership. (Additional copies are available at the convention or online in our FenConvenience store for a nominal charge.)

previous FenCon souvenir program books

MISCELLANEOUS: Various forms posted to the website are also collected here for your convenience.

Current flyer for FenCon IV (1179kb)

CONVENTION FLYER: Our latest flyer is available for download (1179kb) as a convenient PDF file. Make copies for your friends!

Registration Form for FenCon IV (166kb)

REGISTRATION FORM for FenCon IV is available for download (166kb) and printing as a convenient PDF.

Our advertisers help pay for the printing and make possible so many pages of wonderful content and those gorgeous full-color covers. The program book will feature works by many of our guests and so much more. Only a limited number will be printed so it is sure to be treasured for years to come.

AD SALES CLOSED: Advertising sales for our 2007 Souvenir Program Book, convention guide, and other items ended on August 24, 2007!

We have full-page ads ($75) and half-page ads ($45) inside the souvenir program book and other publications plus the full-color inside covers ($120 each) and the coveted full-color back cover ($180). (Update: The covers are now all sold. Thanks!) The inside ad pages are in crisp monochrome, also known as black and white. The advertising request form and detailed technical spec sheets for each style of ad are available below. All ad submissions must have been received by August 24, 2007.

2007 Program Book Ad Request Form
Program Book Advertising Request Form


2007 Program Book Inside Ad Specs (138kb)
Program Book Inside Ad Specs


2007 Program Book Cover Specs (113kb)
Program Book Cover Specs

PDF documents require the Acrobat reader available from Adobe. Click here to download this free utility.

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Got questions about our publications or buying advertising? Send an e-mail to our Publications Director at publications@fencon.org. You will be contacted as soon as possible.

Last updated 25 September 2007