A Fan-Operated Science Fiction and Fantasy Literary and Filk Convention in the Dallas/Fort Worth Area This is your guide to FenCon IV including all of our panels, our autograph sessions, our workshops, our concerts, our fun surprises, and much more. This is the final version of the schedule. We've got another wide array of fun and informative sessions with a little something for everybody. (Yes, even you.) Certain filk activities will, as always, extend overnight on an ad hoc basis. FenCon Hotel Map and Programming Layout: FenCon Operating Hours:
Jump to the schedule for Friday,
Saturday or Sunday The 5-2-1 Rule: FenCon reminds you to get at least five hours of sleep, two solid meals, and one hot shower every day. Thank you. We need YOU!: It turns out this "programming" stuff is pretty popular and we couldn't hold a FenCon without it. That means we're doing it again in 2008. We need ideas for panels, people to participate on those panels, and volunteers to help out around the convention. If you have questions, comments, or suggestions then please contact us at programming@fencon.org right away. Last updated 19 September 2007 Text and images Copyright 2003-2007 by Dallas Future Society, Dallas, Texas. |