A Fan-Operated Science Fiction and Fantasy Literary and Filk Convention in the Dallas/Fort Worth Area Art Show Hours
Art Show Forms
Art and Artists, too! Now you know about our Art Show but do you know about the artists who are particpating? We've got original art from our Artist Guest of Honor Darrell K. Sweet, of course, plus we've also got art from top fannish artists including David Lee Anderson, Alan F. Beck, Lee Billings, Jolie E. Bonnette, Peter Bradley, Adriana Cantillo, Margaret Carspecken, Peri Charlifu, David Cherry, Sarah Clemens, Mike Cole, Cat Conrad, Carolyn Edwards, Dylan Edwards, Randy Farran, Brad Foster, Christi S. Hayden, Joy Lanterman, Joy Marie Ledet, Theresa Mather, Michelle Parker, Nicole Pellegrini, Amy "Kay" Purcell, Denise Stockton, Ruth Thompson, Ulysses Grant Whitehouse, Bridget E. Wilde, and L.A. Williams. We thank them all for helping to make FenCon's second annual art show a success. But what about the Art Auction? We'll start with a silent auction in the Art Show all day Friday and well into Saturday. Items with two or more bids will move to the live auction on Saturday at 7pm. And the Charity Auction? It's held in convert with the Art Auction so we'll start with a silent auction in the Art Show all day Friday and well into Saturday. Items with four or more bids will move to the live auction on Saturday at 7pm. Art Show and Print Shop pricing for 2006
Before sending in any money, you must contact Art Show director Jimmy Simpson by e-mail at artshow@fencon.org to check on print shop space availability and to obtain the required forms. Thank you. We will happily answer questions by phone or e-mail but we must have fees in hand to guarantee your space in the Art Show. Last updated 17 September 2006 Text and images Copyright 2003-2006 by Dallas Future Society, Dallas, Texas. |