A Fan-Operated Science Fiction and Fantasy Literary and Filk Convention in the Dallas/Fort Worth Area Offering everything a fan could want from books to t-shirts to filk to toys and much
more, the FenCon III dealers room is full of fannish goodness! We're happy to welcome our many
returning dealers from plus a number of new ones for FenCon III. FenCon Dealers Room Setup: Thursday: 5:00pm to 11:00pm FenCon Dealers Room Hours: Friday: 2:00pm to 8:00pm FenCon Dealers Room Vendors: FenCon's very own FenConvenience Store will be at Table 1 by the door selling FenCon t-shirts, souvenir program books, and our limited-edition signed and numbered art prints by Darrell K. Sweet. All proceeds from the sales of these prints go to benefit the American Diabetes Association in memory of Judith Ward.
FenCon Author/Fan Tables:
FenCon Dealers Room Map: Dealer and author/fan tables are six feet long. E-mail us now to find out more about getting a table for 2007. Tables are completely sold out for 2006. Last updated 24 September 2006 Text and images Copyright 2003-2006 by Dallas Future Society, Dallas, Texas. |