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A Fan-Operated Science Fiction and Fantasy Literary and Filk Convention in the Dallas/Fort Worth Area

Links and Convention Calendar

Local SF Organizations

ORAC logo

Organized Rebel Adventurers Club (ORAC)
Dallas/Fort Worth-area science fiction and fantasy fan group

IHOD logo

Intergalactic House of Daleks (IHOD)
Dallas/Fort Worth-area Doctor Who viewing society

USS Trinity River logo

USS Trinity River (NCC-6425)
Dallas-area STARFLEET chapter and Star Trek fan club

IFGS Dallas logo

Dallas IFGS
Dallas chapter of the International Fantasy Gaming Society

ALAMO logo

Austin Literary Arts Maintenance Organization

Area Conventions and Events

September 2006

FenCon III

FenCon III - Dallas, Texas (Hey, that's us!)
September 22-24, 2006

October 2006

APOTAC Swap Meet logo

APOTAC Swap Meet - Arlington, Texas (toys/collectibles)
October 7, 2006

Archon logo

Archon 30 - Collinsvile, Illinois (St. Louis, Missouri area)
October 5-8, 2006

NukeCon logo

Nuke-Con - Council Bluffs, Iowa (Omaha area) (gaming)
October 6-8, 2006

Ohio Valley Filk Festival logo

Ohio Valley Filk Festival 22 - Dublin, Ohio (GoH: Mary Crowell)
October 20-22, 2006

Oni Con logo

Oni Con - Houston, Texas (anime)
October 20-22, 2006

Dallas Comic Con logo

Dallas Comic Con 8 - Plano, Texas (comics/media/toys)
October 28-29, 2006

November 2006

World Fantasy Convention 2006

World Fantasy Convention 2006 - Austin, Texas
November 2-5, 2006

MillenniumCon logo

MillenniumCon 9 - Austin, Texas (gaming)
November 10-12, 2006

Wizard World Texas logo

Wizard World Texas - Arlington, Texas (comics/media)
November 10-12, 2006

December 2006


January 2007

G-Kon logo

G-Kon and Expo - Richardson, Texas (gaming)
January 26-28, 2007

February 2007

Capricon logo

Capricon 27 - Chicago, Illinois area (GoH: Lois McMaster Bujold)
February 8-11, 2007

OwlCon logo

OwlCon XXVI - Houston, Texas (gaming/Rice University)
February 9-11, 2007

Boskone logo

Boskone 44 - Boston, Massachusetts (GoH: David Gerrold)
February 16-18, 2007

Gallifrey One logo

Gallifrey One 18 - Los Angeles, California (Doctor Who)
February 16-18, 2007

ConDFW logo

ConDFW VI - Dallas, Texas (GoH: Harry Turtledove)
February 23-25, 2007

March 2007

Staple logo

Staple! The Independent Media Expo - Austin, Texas
March, 2007


ChimaeraCon 2007 - San Antonio, Texas (gaming)
March 9-11, 2007

All-Con logo

All-Con 2007 - Dallas, Texas (gaming/costuming/media)
March 16-18, 2007

REVELcon logo

RevelCon 18 - Houston, Texas (relaxacon/zinecon)
March 16-18, 2007

AggieCon logo

AggieCon 38 - College Station, Texas
March 22-25, 2007

April 2007

May 2007

LepreCon logo

LepreCon 33 - Phoenix, Arizona (GoH: Karen Traviss)
May 11-13, 2007

Nebula Awards Weekend logo

Nebula Awards Weekend - New York, New York (SFWA)
May 11-13, 2007

ConQuest logo

ConQuest 38 - Kansas City, Missouri (GoH: Phyllis Eisenstein)
May 25-27, 2007

June 2007

A-Kon logo

A-Kon 18 - Dallas, Texas (anime)
June 1-3, 2007

SoonerCon logo

SoonerCon 2007 - Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
June 8-10, 2007 (new dates)


ApolloCon - Houston, Texas
June 22-24, 2007

Texas Frightmare Weekend logo

Texas Frightmare Weekend - Dallas, Texas (horror/media)
June 22-24, 2007 (new dates/location)

Westercon 60

Gnomeward Bound - San Jose, California (Westercon 60) (info)
June 30 - July 3, 2007 (new dates!)

July 2007

Heinlein Centennial logo

Heinlein Centennial - Kansas City, Missouri
July 6-8, 2007

San Japan logo

San Japan - San Antonio, Texas (Japanese culture/anime)
July 13-15, 2007

Conestoga logo

Conestoga 11 - Tulsa, Oklahoma (GoH: Laurell K. Hamilton)
July 27-29, 2007

August 2007


Archon 31 - St. Louis, Missouri (2007 NASFiC)
August 2-5, 2007

Lazy Dragon Con logo

Lazy Dragon Con - McKinney, Texas (relaxicon)
August 3-5, 2007 (new dates!)

O-Chibicon logo

O-Chibicon 2007 - Houston, Texas (anime)
August 3-5, 2007 (tentative, site down!)

ArmadilloCon logo

ArmadilloCon 29 - Austin, Texas
August 10-12, 2007

Bubonicon logo

Bubonicon 39 - Albuquerque, New Mexico
August, 2007

Nippon 2007

Nippon 2007 - Yokohama, Japan (65th Worldcon)
August 30-September 3, 2007

September 2007

AnimeFest logo

AnimeFest - Dallas, Texas (anime)
September, 2007

Dragon*Con logo

Dragon*Con - Atlanta, Georgia (media and literary)
September, 2007

CopperCon logo

CopperCon 27 - Tempe, Arizona (GoH: Charlaine Harris)
September 7-9, 2007

Realms Con logo

Realms Con - Corpus Christi, Texas (anime/gaming)
September, 2007

ProtoCon logo

ProtoCon 9 - College Station, Texas (gaming)
September, 2007

FenCon IV

FenCon IV - Dallas, Texas (Hey, that's us!)
September 21-23, 2007

October 2007

Dallas Comic Con logo

Dallas Comic Con - Plano, Texas (comics/media/toys)
October 20-21, 2007

November 2007

World Fantasy Convention 2007

World Fantasy Convention 2007 - Saratoga, New York
November 1-4, 2007 (learn more)

Wizard World Texas logo

Wizard World Texas - Arlington, Texas (comics/media)
November 2-4, 2007

Panda*Monium logo

Panda*Monium - Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
November, 2007 (very tentative)

December 2007

CAGE Con logo

CAGE Con II - Dallas, Texas (comics/art/gaming)
December, 2007 (tentative)


Nebula Awards Weekend logo

Nebula Awards Weekend - Austin, Texas (SFWA)
April 24-27, 2008

Westercon 61

Burning Fan - Las Vegas, Nevada (Westercon 61) (info)
July 3-6, 2008

Worldcon 2008

Denvention 3 - Denver, Colorado (66th Worldcon)
August 6-10, 2008

World Fantasy Convention 2008

World Fantasy Convention 2008 - Calgary, Alberta, Canada
October 30-November 3, 2008 (learn more)

Westercon Bids (info)

Westercon bid 2009

Phoenix in 2009 - Tempe, Arizona (2009 Westercon bid)
July 2-5, 2009

Worldcon and NASFIC Bids (info)

Worldcon bid 2009

Kansas City in 2009 - Kansas City, Missouri (2009 Worldcon bid)
September 3-7, 2009

Worldcon bid 2009

Anticipation - Montreal, Quebec, Canada (2009 Worldcon bid)
September, 2009 (tentative)

Worldcon bid 2010

Melbourne in 2010 - Melbourne, Australia (2010 Worldcon bid)
September, 2010 (tentative)

Worldcon bid 2011

Seattle 2011 - Seattle, Washington (2011 Worldcon bid)
August, 2011 (tentative)

FenCon sites of the past

FenCon 2004 logo

FenCon (2004) Larry Niven, Michael Longcor, Jim Murray, Elizabeth Moon, Joe R. Lansdale, Ardath Mayhar, and more. See also the 2004 Photos page.

FenCon 2005 logo

FenCon II (2005) S.M. Stirling, Leslie Fish, Randy Farran, David Gerrold, Larry Dixon, Mike Resnick, and more. See also the 2005 Photos page.

Jump to Local SF Organizations, Other Conventions and Events, or the top.

Links of Interest

Star OKC
Oklahoma City's oldest (and finest) science fiction fan club

Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America
Organization for SF professionals, responsible for the Nebula Awards

Association of Science Fiction & Fantasy Artists
Organization for SF/F artists, responsible for the Chesley Awards

International Costumers Guild
Affiliation of costumers dedicated to costuming as an art form

Speculative Literature Foundation
Dedicated to promoting literary quality in speculative fiction

Science Fiction Crowsnest
Europe's most popular science fiction and fantasy site

Fresh Fiction
News, columns, and reviews of genre books

The Dawn Patrol
A loose gathering of fans from across the US and Canada

Science Fiction Conventions Worldwide
German guide to SF conventions around the world

Terror Alert Level


Dallas weather from Weather Underground

Save Stargate SG-1

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For the Record

Convention Awareness Day 2006, originally scheduled for January 14th and then "Spring," has been cancelled but should return in 2007. Cole Houston, the organizer, said he ran into scheduling and logistical difficulties but the event will almost certainly happen next year. San Antonio Comic-Con, a media and comics show in San Antonio, Texas, has let its domain expire and is not responding to e-mails so with some regret we've pulled them from the calendar. Shiokazecon, a Houston anime convention, announced in September that it wound not be returning for 2007. The organizers say circumstances beyond their control have forced them to put the return of this first-year con on indefinite hiatus. The DC-3 in 2011 Worldcon bid for Washington, D.C., has allowed their domain to lapse and the committee has apparently shut down entirely.

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Last updated 19 September 2006