A Fan-Operated Science Fiction and Fantasy Literary and Filk Convention in the Dallas/Fort Worth Area Offering everything a fan could want from books to t-shirts to filk to toys and much more, the FenCon VI dealers room is full of fannish goodness! Located in the center of the programming floor, this is a spacious, wide-open dealers room with plenty of tables and wide aisles. We're happy to welcome our many returning dealers plus several new ones for FenCon VI. FenCon's very own FenConvenience Store will be at Table 1 & 2 by the door selling FenCon t-shirts, totebags, souvenir program books, and our limited-edition signed and numbered art prints by our past and present artist guests of honor. 100% of the price of these prints goes to benefit our 2009 designated charity. FenCon Dealers Room Setup: Thursday: 7:00pm to 11:00pm FenCon Dealers Room Hours: Friday: 2:00pm to 7:00pm FenCon Dealers Room Vendors:
FenCon Fan/Author Tables:
FenCon Dealers Room Map: Dealer and author/fan tables are six feet long. The FenCon Dealer Room is SOLD OUT! Space in the FenCon Dealer Room always sells out quickly. If you're interested in joining us for FenCon VII in 2010, contact dealer liaison Robyn Winans by e-mail to get on our waiting list. Last updated 28 August 2009 |
Text and images Copyright 2003-2009 by Dallas Future Society, Dallas, Texas. |