A Fan-Operated Science Fiction and Fantasy Literary and Filk Convention in the Dallas/Fort Worth Area We accept cash, money orders, major credit cards, or checks made out to FenCon for membership purchases at the convention. Advance membership sales ended on September 1st Weekend and day memberships are available at the door. Membership pricing for FenCon VI Regular Membership (Full Weekend): $40 Day Membership (Friday only): $20 Day Membership (Saturday only): $25 Day Membership (Sunday only): $20 Kids (age 6-14, with paid adult): $10 Kids (age 0-5, with paid adult): Free
All membership packets will be distributed at the door. Q: What if I buy a membership but can't make it to FenCon this year? A: If you notify us (members@fencon.org)
at least two full weeks before FenCon starts (i.e., by Friday, September 4th) then we will directly
transfer your membership to the following year. We do not issue refunds for memberships. Thank you for joining FenCon and the Dallas Future Society! Got questions? Get answers: members@fencon.org Last updated 02 September 2009 |
Text and images Copyright 2003-2009 by Dallas Future Society, Dallas, Texas. |