FenCon X - Program Participant Guidelines A Fan-Operated Science Fiction and Fantasy Literary and Filk Convention in the Dallas/Fort Worth Area |
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For people who want to participate. We would love to be able to give a programming slot to everyone who asks, but if we did that we would have to hold the convention aboard a TARDIS and acquire a license for a Time Turner. Since both of those are impossible (for now, at least), we have to bow to reality (and the Fire Marshal) and put a cap on the number of participants. Also please understand that we are unable to comp everyone. Most of our comped particpants meet one of the following criteria:
Keep in mind that we’re a non-profit on a shoestring budget, so we generally aren't able to provide any travel, lodging, or other expenses to folks beyond our Honored and Special Guests. Gosh, we wish we could, because we attend conventions around the country ourselves, and know it ain't cheap. We can generally provide an autograph session and may be able to help with free or inexpensive space for selling books, CDs, or other goods. On small and micro-presses: Oh gosh, yes: we know the landscape of publishing is shifting faster than a planet undergoing terraforming. We love supporting our local small presses, but see the note about the TARDIS above. And what if you're with a small press or you're self-published? Please consider buying a membership. Quite a few of our participants do so, just to support FenCon. We may still be able to use you on programming, but please don't take it personally if we can't fit you onto a panel. Again, we're at the mercy of that pesky time-space continuum. But please, bring your promotional materials and put them out on our freebie table. If you are interested in being a participant at FenCon, please contact the conchair. |
Last updated 01 October 2013 |
Text and images Copyright 2003–2013 by Dallas Future Society, Dallas, Texas. |