Joe Abbott
Joseph Abbott is a longtime Texas filker, a sometime science writer, and the very first Fencon member (as in “oh, crap, someone’s given us money--now we have to put it on”). He currently resides in Houston.
Show Schedule

C. Dean Andersson
(Bloodsong! Helx3) (Wikipedia) (Facebook) (Twitter) C. Dean Andersson writes horror, fantasy, and science fiction with an edge. Graham Masterton describes Dean’s writing as, "fearsome and up-front." Publisher’s Weekly reviewed the heroic Viking lore in Death Riders of Hel, Book 2 in Dean’s Norse mythos Bloodsong Saga, as "The Heavy Metal of Fantasy adventure." His I Am Dracula received a coveted Count Dracula Fan Club recommendation and was featured in Olalla, Amy Hesketh’s epic Vampire film. Dean’s novels are available from Crossroad Press.
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Lou Antonelli
(Lou Antonelli) (Twitter) Lou Antonelli has had 124 short stories published in 15 years in venues such as Asimov's Science Fiction, Jim Baen's Universe, Tales of the Talisman, Andromeda Spaceways In-Flight Magazine, Daily Science Fiction, and Buzzy Mag, among many others. His collections include "Fantastic Texas" (2009); "Texas & Other Planets" (2010); and "The Clock Struck None" and "Letters from Gardner", (both 2014). His alternate history Another Girl, Another Planet, was published last year.
He's the owner and editor of The Clarksville Times.
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Julie Barrett
(Stately Barrett Manor) (Steamcat) (Facebook) Julie Barrett is a writer, photographer, and maker of interesting things from Plano, TX. She is also a founding member of The Generic Radio Workshop, member of the Dallas Future Society board, and sells photography and art through Julie writes short stories, radio plays, and whatever else helps pay the bills. She hates the bills. Find her at Stately Barrett Manor or on Facebook.
Show Schedule

Paul Barrett
Amongst Paul's many pastimes, a favorite is creating, finding, and
programming the sound effects for Generic Radio Workshop productions. As with
the other GRW founders, he's done so many of these shows, he's no longer sure
if this is reality, or if he's living in an episode of Dimension X. Other
hobbies are prop-building and 3D printing--he has been known to demonstrate all
the ways this can go wrong.
Show Schedule

Bland Lemon Denton and the Lemon-Aides
Over the past twelve years, Bland Lemon Denton, "The World's Oldest (and Worst) Bluesman," has played guitar and harmonica at conventions throughout the Midwest and South. For FenCon XV, he'll be joined by the Lemon-Aides: Caroline "Honey Badger" Spector (bass), Bob "Thumper" Yeager (percussion), David Lee "Psychobot" Anderson (guitar), and Sherri "Monkey Queen" Dean (backing vocals). They invite all y'all to come get the Blues, too.
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Karen Bogen
(Facebook) Karen is a self-confessed knit-and-yarn-aholic. She spends many hours either knitting something, inventorying her stash, or fondling yarn at any shop within driving range. Interesting? Depends on your point of view. She likes to cook and enjoys reading forensic anthropology books. Occasionally at the same time. In January 2012, she got talked into taking a full-time+ job. It was really eating into her knitting time. Fortunately, she was laid off in 2015. Swan dive into the yarn stash!
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Lillian Stewart Carl
(Lillian Stewart Carl) (Facebook) Lillian Stewart Carl’s work features plots based on mythology, history, and archaeology, often with paranormal aspects. She’s published twenty novels, including the Jean Fairbairn/Alasdair Cameron mysteries--the most recent is The Avalon Chanter. Her twenty-five published short stories have been reprinted in two collections. With John Helfers, she was nominated for a Hugo for The Vorkosigan Companion, a retrospective on Lois McMaster Bujold’s Vorkosigan books.
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Peri Charlifu
(Aegean Goods) (Facebook) Peri Charlifu is a full-time Colorado artist who has been selling his work professionally for over 36 years and produced over 41,000 pieces. He has won dozens of awards and is founder and guild master of the Arts and Artisans of Colorado artists guild. He works mainly in a High Density mix of Porcelain and White Stoneware. Also his design work is hand painted and carved; food, oven, and microwave safe; and he mixes all his own stains and colors.
Show Schedule

J. Kathleen Cheney
(J. Kathleen Cheney) J.
Kathleen Cheney taught mathematics ranging from 7th grade to Calculus,
but gave it all up for a chance to write stories. Her novella "Iron
Shoes" was a 2010 Nebula Award finalist. Her novel, The Golden City, was a finalist for the 2014 Locus Awards (Best First Novel). Dreaming Death (Feb 2016) is the first in a new world, with The Horn coming out in 2017, and the books of The King’s Daughter and sequels to Dreaming Death in 2018/2019.
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Dantzel Cherry
(Dantzel Cherry) (Facebook) (Twitter) Dantzel Cherry teaches Pilates and raises her daughter by day. By night and naptime, she writes. Her baking hours follow no rhyme or reason. Her short stories have appeared in Fireside, InterGalactic Medicine Show, Galaxy's Edge, and other magazines and anthologies.
Show Schedule

Lys Childs-Wiley
Melyssa “Lys” Childs-Wiley grew up in Western New York. She began reading at the age of four to escape watching apple trees grow, and hasn’t stopped.
Lys brought home as many books as the librarian allowed. When she wandered out of the children’s section into the main room, she discovered strands of Thread falling from the sky, to be destroyed by Dragonriders. This was when Lys realized that imagination is limitless. She has been writing, acting, and roleplaying ever since.
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Rosemary Clement
(Rosemary Clement) (Kara Connolly) (Rosemary's Twitter) (Kara's Twitter) Rosemary Clement writes, under various names, supernatural novels for youngish adults. Her bestselling books (Texas Gothic, Spirit and Dust) are full of witty banter, romantic tension, dead bodies, and live ghosts. When parallel universes overlap, you may see debut author and doppelganger Kara Connolly in Rosemary’s spot. While Rosemary enjoys knitting, gardening, and solving crime, Kara likes dinosaurs, medieval weaponry, and promoting her debut novel, No Good Deed. Find either one on their respective Twitter accounts.
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Sherri Dean
(Facebook) (Twitter) Sherri "ConBarbie" Dean was born late AND backwards, which explains a lot. She does illustrations, stories, and editing for Yard Dog Press, recently the cover of Flush Fiction II. Sherri's latest are the weird western collection Three Aces from Satan’s Hand and the horror anthology Death Is Only Skin Deep, available online. Sherri also goes by "Monkey Queen" and The Feisty Mistress of Fear. Her new book, Weirdough, Inc, co-written with Selina Rosen, is available at Yard Dog Press.
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John DeLaughter
(WordHerd) John DeLaughter is a planetologist living on a sailboat with Nimrod the cat. His work has taken him to all seven continents where he always meets the nicest people. Among the stories he’s had published is description of money in Hell (in Strange Economics). Right now, John is working with Mel. White on new Duncan & Mallory stories; their latest, Weredragon’s Dare, is available on Amazon.
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Charlayne Denney
(Charlayne Denney) (Facebook) (Twitter) (Goodreads) Given Charlayne's habit of checking people for fangs and living in the dark, she discovered her own vampires and Lilly, Marcus, and the rest of the gang living in the Fangs & Halos series she writes. When not hanging with vampires, she is a WoW gnome mage, Rubyrose. She's the crazy lady in the wheelchair with the Werepup. She found her husband, Bruce, through a want-ad in the program book for ConTroll 93. She's done conventions in Texas since 1979.
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Chris Donahue
Chris Donahue is an electrical engineer living in the Dallas area with his wife and fellow-author, Linda. A former member of a Joe Bob Briggs' Drive In Review committee, he served the public by counting rolling heads, types of Fu, and exposed breasts in committee films. Outside of that, he has been a Navy Avionics tech, brewer, and writes sci-fi, military fiction, horror, humor, and combinations of those themes.
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Linda L. Donahue
(Linda L. Donahue) Linda has degrees in computer science, Russian studies, Earth science education, and electrical engineering. Additionally, she teaches tai chi and belly dancing, can borrow moon rock samples, and is a certified commercial instrument pilot, advanced ground instructor, and SCUBA diver. Her latest short stories have appeared in Heroic Fantasy Quarterly #25 and Chicks and Balances. Her novel, Jaguar Moon, is available from Yard Dog Press. She lives with her husband and pet rabbits, sugar gliders, and cats in Garland, Texas.
Show Schedule

Carole Nelson Douglas
(Carole Nelson Douglas) Vegas feline Sam Spade, Midnight Louie, finished his 28-book series.
His new series features urban fantasy heroine Delilah Street, in Absinthe
Without Leave Oct. 30, 2018. Next: Carole reissues her Probe SF thrillers
and bestselling Irissa/Kendric high fantasies. Carole also designs book covers
and rescues cats in Fort Worth.
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Rhonda Eudaly
(Rhonda Eudaly) Rhonda Eudaly lives in Arlington, Texas where she's ventured into several industries and occupations for a wide variety of experience. She's married with dogs and a rapidly growing Minion© army. Her two passions are writing and music, which is evident in her increasing horde of writing instruments.
Rhonda has a well-rounded publication history in fiction, non-fiction, and script writing. Check out her website for her latest publications and downloads.
(Photo by Bobby Hitt)
Show Schedule

Sara Felix
(Sara Felix)
Sara Felix is a Texas conrunner and artist living in
Austin. She started working on conventions after working with Willie Siros at
the bookstore Adventures in Crime and Space. While wearing her artist hat she
makes jewelry and small clay robot sculptures that she sells at art shows, and
was once featured on HGTV's Crafters Coast to Coast where she crafted a flying
pig. She has designed Hugo
award bases for MidAmericon 2 and for Worldcon 76 with Vincent Villafranca.
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Melanie Fletcher
(Melanie Fletcher) Melanie Fletcher likes to write, preferably for money. Her most recent publications include “The Groom Wore Wings” (Debris and Detritus: The Lesser Greek Gods Running Amok, Story Spring Publishing LLC) and “Lost in Whitby” (A Lone Star in the Sky: A Future Classics Anthology, Volume Two, Belaurient Press). When not writing humorous short SF, she’s writing SF and fantasy romance as Nicola Cameron. Or herding cats. Or designing covers. Let’s just say that she does a lot of stuff.
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Brad W. Foster
(Brad W. Foster) (Jabberwocky Graphix) Hugo-award winning artist Brad W Foster lives to draw, and draws to live, and still loves to see his artwork in that so-last-century thing called "print". Over the decades his work has appeared in hundreds of publications, large and small, and he hopes to add a few thousand more to that list. You can learn more than you would probably care to just by spending a few hours wandering around his website, Jabberwocky Graphix.
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Monalisa Foster
(Monalisa Foster) (Facebook) (Amazon) Monalisa won life’s lottery when she escaped communism and became an unhyphenated American citizen. Despite her degree in physics, she’s worked in engineering and medicine. Her primary genre is space opera with a bit, or a lot of, romance. Her latest hard sci-fi novella, Promethea Invicta, is now available via your favorite platform. Upcoming publications, including "Dominion", a short story set in her space opera universe (Fiction River's anthology, Face the Strange), will be announced on her website and via Facebook.
Show Schedule

Dene Foye
(Cath Album) As a teen, Dene began playing guitar and singing folk music, and for the last 15 years he has immersed himself in the wonders of Celtic Music. He is currently a member of the quartet known as "The Fogeys". In 2012 he was one of 12 Celtic performers on the Cath Benefit CD, benefiting Parkinson’s Disease research. After procrastinating for many years, Dene has finally finished a Celtic CD, entitled “For the Love of Haggis”.
Show Schedule

Karl Gallagher
Karl K. Gallagher is a systems engineer, currently performing data
analysis for a major aerospace company. In the past he calculated trajectories
for a commercial launch rocket start-up, operated satellites as a USAF officer,
and selected orbits for government and commercial satellites. His novels Torchship,
Torchship Pilot, and Torchship Captain
are working-class hard SF adventures, available on Amazon and Audible. Karl
lives in Saginaw, TX with his family.
Show Schedule

Generic Radio Workshop
(Generic Radio Workshop) Generic Radio Workshop has been around longer than the Golden Age of Radio lasted -- a little over thirty years. They started with the Texas Broadcast Museum and have performed at festivals, conventions, and yes, on the radio. They use as much vintage equipment as possible for that "old time radio" feel. Plus, many of their sound effects devices are hand-built, following period designs. While they've made a few concessions to modern technology, their core practices follow radio's Golden Age.
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Jan S. Gephardt
(Jan S.
Gephardt) (Artdog
Paper Sculpture) (Facebook)
Jan S. Gephardt is a Kansas City-based writer, artist, and longtime
science fiction fan. Her science fiction novel, What’s Bred in the Bone, focuses on a super-smart bio-engineered
police dog building a life for himself and his Packmates on a space station,
solving crimes and sniffing out bad guys. Watch for it later this year. Check
out her award-winning fantasy paper sculpture in the Art Show. An active SF fan
since 1981, this is her first FenCon.
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C. Stuart Hardwick
(C Stuart Hardwick) (Twitter) (Facebook) C. Stuart Hardwick has won Writers of the Future and the Jim Baen Award, and is a regular in Analog Science Fiction & Fact. He leans toward hard scifi, but also writes YA & fantasy, and has been called “Bradbury meets Heinlein, with the poetry of Ursula K. Le Guin.” He’s built ill-conceived flying machines, married an aquanaut, and has been known to wear a cape. Check out his website for free sample stories.
Show Schedule

Teddy Harvia
Teddy Harvia is the well-known pen name of David Thayer. He has drawn scores of wild beasts, strange BEMS, and big-nosed whiz kids from a world far from Earth who use short words to make fun of all kinds of things in a bunch of toons and fan art for flyers, zines, and con pubs since 1967. He lives with wife Diana and four real cool fat cats in Dallas, Texas. His day job is in a high tech field.
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Kristi Hutson
(KHP at GooglePages) Born in Texas, but educated on both coasts, Hutson did time as a DoD contractor and now slings education at 6th graders. Hutson has been the LETS (Law Enforcement Teaching Students) liaison, a Krav Maga student and instructor, and a Texas Defensive Shooters club member. So far these facts remain mutually exclusive. Occasionally Hutson writes fiction instead of grading papers: "An Undercover Haunting" appears in the Strange Afterlives anthology, and the novella Bound by Ink is available at Amazon.
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Lee Killough
(Lee Killough) (Coffee Shop Writers) Lee Killough became hooked on SF, fantasy, and Mysteries at age eleven. The result: her novels usually combine genres...SF/mystery, mystery/supernatural/urban fantasy. She shares her lakeside home with a Schnauzer and walls of books. Her older books are republishing as e-books, revised and updated since science has overrun the 70's fictional science. They are available at Amazon and other e-book sites. Also see her original space opera Ancient Enemy and its new cover at the Yard Dog Press table.
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Alexis Glynn Latner
Glynn Latner) (Facebook)
Alexis Glynn Latner's SF novel Hurricane
Moon was published by Pyr in 2007 and again by Avendis Press with
sequels Downfall Tide in 2015, Star
Crossing in 2016, and Helldive in 2018.
Her science fiction and fantasy has appeared in the magazines Analog
and Amazing and in online, print, and e-book
anthologies, including Bending the Landscape: Horror
and the science fiction romance anthology Pets in Space.
She also teaches creative writing and works in the Rice University Library.
Show Schedule

William Ledbetter
(William Ledbetter) William Ledbetter is a Nebula Award winning author, with fiction
published in Analog, The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction,
Asimov's, The Year’s Best Military and Adventure SF, Yard Dog Press, and
many others. He is an unapologetic space geek and runs the annual Jim
Baen Memorial Short Story Award contest for Baen Books and the National
Space Society. The audio version of his science fiction thriller novel Level Five will be available in July from Audible Originals.
Show Schedule

Steve Liptak
Steve Liptak is a retired pilot who has been involved in fantasy/SciFi and costuming for over 30 years. He has earned costume awards from DragonCon, AllCon, and Fencon. Over the last few years he has lectured on prop fabrication at conventions such as AKon, SoonerCon, and FenCon. He enjoys working in metal, leather, and plastics, and uses a kit-built 3D printer to speed prototyping. His last few projects have been lathed metal sonic screwdrivers, featured at in the UK.
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Julia S. Mandala
(Julia S. Mandala) Julia S. Mandala holds a BA in history from Kansas State University and a JD in law from Tulane University. In addition to being editor of The Fantasy Writers Asylum, an imprint of Yard Dog Press, she is a scuba diver and belly dancer. She lives in Plano, TX with her husband Larry and two very demanding, but adorable cats. She is best known as a co-author of the Four Redheads of the Apocalypse series and the Corimar series.
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Marshall Ryan Maresca
(Marshall Ryan Maresca) Marshall Ryan Maresca is a fantasy and science-fiction writer, as well as a playwright, living in South Austin with his wife and son. He is the author of the Maradaine Novels: The Thorn of Dentonhill, A Murder of Mages, The Alchemy of Chaos, An Import of Intrigue, The Holver Alley Crew, and the upcoming The Imposters of Aventil. His work also appeared in Norton Anthology of Hint Fiction and Rayguns Over Texas. He also has had several short plays produced.
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A. Lee Martinez
(A. Lee Martinez) A. Lee Martinez is best known for his sparkling wit, incredible good looks, and his ability to endlessly debate the Superman VS. Batman dilemma. (Correct answer: Tarzan) Also, he's written 10 fantasy novels and managed to get paid for it. If you would like to read random thoughts from him, you can go to his website, or check him out on Twitter or Facebook.
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Kip McMurray
Clifford R. McMurray (AKA “Kip”) is a space advocate, writer, singer, and science fiction devotee with extensive knowledge of the politics, history, and current progress of space exploration. A former National Space Society vice-president and Board of Directors member, he yearly publishes at least four space-related articles. Cliff attended both the first and last space shuttle launches, as well the last Apollo launch, and in the evenings can be found telling jokes at parties or singing along at a filk.
Show Schedule

Dawn Mennear
Dawn comes from Des Moines, IA, and she has been coming to FenCon since FenCon II
and considers it one of the best run conventions, with some of the
friendliest people around. She doesn't write but she reads voraciously and
considers that an excellent reason to attend. She is 54, Rubenesque, and
nosy in a good way. Loves to crochet and will often be seen in corners
crocheting away.
Show Schedule

Margaret Middleton
Filker Margaret Middleton is retired from 25 years of “designing piles of dirt and holes in the ground” for the Arkansas Highway Department. She now lives in Starkville, MS where she roots for the Mississippi State Bulldogs except when they play either the Arkansas Razorbacks or the Texas A&M Aggies. In between sporting events and science fiction conventions, she quilts and collects songs about aviation and the space program.
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Tim Morgan
Tim Morgan is an award-winning professional futurist, with a Masters degree in Foresight from the University of Houston. Tim is currently Director of Strategic Foresight at the North Texas Foresight Institute. Prior to his work in foresight, he worked in I.T. & Engineering for over 25 years across several industries: Defense, Energy, Transportation, and Supply Chain.
Tim is also a past President of the Dallas Future Society, two-time conchair of FenCon, and a member of the Association of Professional Futurists.
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Michelle Muenzler
(Michelle Muenzler) (Facebook) Michelle Muenzler, also known at local conventions as "The Cookie Lady", writes fiction both dark and strange to counterbalance the sweetness of her baking. Her fiction and poetry have been published in magazines such as Star*Line, Daily Science Fiction, and Apex Magazine, and she takes immense joy in crinkling words like little foil puppets.
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Ethan Nahté
(Ethan Nahté) (Facebook) (Live ‘N’ Loud) Ethan Nahté is an author, journalist, screenwriter, photographer, musician, and has several years of experience working in TV/Film/Radio. Obviously, he can’t decide what he wants to be when he grows up. He has over two-dozen published stories and poems spanning speculative fiction, historical fiction, comedy, pulp, and young adult. He has recently published two story collections: Of Monsters & Madmen and The Undead Ate My Head, plus the novellas The Savage Caged and Wings of Mercury.
Show Schedule

S. Kay Nash
S. Kay Nash is an editor, writer, and bibliophile. She is an
associate editor for Escape Pod, the Hugo Award nominated
audio magazine, and co-edited the Artemis Rising event in
2018. She edits novels and anthologies for a small-press publisher and works
directly with independent authors. Her recent short fiction appears in Road
Kill 2: Texas Horror by Texas Writers. She's a member of the
Editorial Freelancers Association and an affiliate member of the Horror Writers
Show Schedule

Kathleen O'Brien
(Vintage Fashion Explained) (Victorian Smoking Caps) Kathleen M. O'Brien began sewing at age 4, learning traditional techniques from her mother and grandmother. She collects and studies vintage clothing to decipher mysteries of drape and fit found in previous eras. Her costumes include both original designs and reproductions, utilizing many historical techniques. She enjoys sharing both these skills and her collection with others and has published her first e-book Victorian Smoking Caps. Check out her website at Vintage Fashion Explained.
Photo ©2012, Carol Schiraldi
Show Schedule

Gloria Oliver
(Gloria Oliver) Expert party wallflower, Gloria loves manga and anime. Movies, too. Darn right. Books, oh yeah.
Her 8th novel Alien Redemption will see publication in 2019 from Zumaya Publications. For sample chapters and more, please visit her website.
Show Schedule

Stephen Patrick
(Films) Stephen Patrick believes that Texas is the perfect state for writers and aspires to be part of the rich history of Texas storytellers including those included in Road Kill: Texas Horror by Texas Writers, Vol 1 and 2. Drawing from the diverse literary palette that ranges from the panhandle to the coast, the desert to the big city, and every genre in between, he never tires of telling or hearing stories from his home state.
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Teresa Patterson
(Event Horizon EBooks) (Facebook) Teresa Patterson’s work includes, The World of Shannara with Terry Brooks, The World of the Wheel of Time with Robert Jordan, No Quarter with Robert Asprin, Combat Corpsman with Navy SEAL Greg McPartlin, numerous short stories, and humorous history essays. Her newest work, with Navy SEAL Craig Marley, is No Lifeguard on Duty. When not writing she works as a balloon sculptor, kayak instructor, show horse trainer, and managing The Armory at DragonCon. She also loves to sing and entertain.
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Trakena Prevost
Trakena Prevost is from the great state of Texas, where everything IS bigger. She spends time running after her young son, trying to annoy her husband to distraction, and being completely obsessed with reading. She also happens to write the fantastic stories in her head--mostly to quiet the voices there. When not writing, Trakena works in HR and spends time with family.
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Darwin Prophet
Darwin Prophet brings "Literary Rock" to sci-fi cons, clubs, and steampunk events, paying homage to her muses from Oscar Wilde to Doctor Who, Firefly to King Arthur. A veteran recording artist, published songwriter and traveling bard, Darwin is currently writing a WW1 musical drama, SHELL, recording, and teaching voice in the Dallas Metro.
Show Schedule

Dusty Rainbolt
(Dusty Rainbolt)
Dusty Rainbolt swears
she was raised by aliens after being abandoned on Earth by grays who abhorred
the TransGalactic School System. She’s the author of the new Yard Dog Press
paranormal mystery, Death Under the Crescent Moon, and coauthor
of The Four Redheads of the Apocalypse series. She’s the editor of Stupid Gravity
Press. Her latest release is Ghost Cats: Human Encounters with Feline
Spirits. She's written numerous books and thousands of articles on
cat care, behavior, and animal hauntings.
Show Schedule

John Randall
(Zyvex Labs) John Randall is a card-carrying
nanotech nerd. He is an adjunct professor at UT Dallas and the president of
Zyvex Labs where they have a plot for World Domination via atom by atom
manufacturing and are working to heal the blind (really). His first patent is
in the first half of all US patents, and he is a world class nanofabricator and
presently has committed his and Zyvex's resources to realizing atomically
precise manufacturing. He loves his wife and kids.
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Ravenar (Amora, Linda Donahue, and Julia Mandala) performs traditional and SF/Fantasy-themed belly dance. They have appeared at several World Cons and at regional conventions in the Midwest and South.
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M. T. Reiten
(M. T. Reiten) (Facebook) M. T. Reiten has been absent from FenCon for a number of years, but is happy to be back. He is a researcher at Los Alamos National Laboratory, practices aidkido, and lives in New Mexico with his beautiful wife and daughter. He is a Writers of the Future winner and has published short stories with Yard Dog Press, World Weaver Press, and in S.M. Stirling's Change anthology. His latest story is "The Post-Apocalyptic Tourist Guide: Santa Fe and Los Alamos."
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Rob Rogers
(Rob Rogers) Rob’s first novel, Devil's Cape, a superhero thriller set in Louisiana, was a Pop Matters pick and HeroPress book of the year. Rob’s stories have appeared in Comets and Criminals magazine and the anthologies The Improbable Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, Triumph Over Tragedy, and This Mutant Life, plus an upcoming Pro Se Productions anthology. Rob lives in Richardson, Texas, where he writes about superheroes, pirates, aliens, mad cultists, dragons, interdimensional rifts, carnival freaks, and cowboys, often in the same stories.
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Selina Rosen
(Selina Rosen) (Yard Dog Press) (Castle Farms) (Facebook) Selina Rosen is the author of over twenty-five novels including Sword Masters and Strange Robby, and she has had dozens of short stories published in professional venues including Thieves World and Impossible Monsters. As editor-in-chief of Yard Dog Press she has edited ten anthologies including Bubbas of the Apocalypse. She is married, owns a small farm, and has kids and grandkids. She is a carpenter, a rock mason, a sword fighter, and an all-around swell gal.
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Amber Royer
(Amber Royer) (Twitter) Amber
Royer writes fun science fiction involving chocolate, aliens, lovesick
AIs, time travel, VR, and more. She's the author of the Chocoverse
series (Book 2, Pure Chocolate, coming
March 2019 from Angry Robot Books). She's also the co-author of two
cookbooks (one of which is all about chocolate). She teaches creative
writing in North Texas.
Show Schedule

Ken Ruffin
(National Space Society of North Texas) (Facebook) A Trekkie and a former Aerospace Engineering student, Ken served a
two-year term on the Board of Directors of the National Space Society (NSS)
after having served five years as chapter president of the award-winning NSS of
North Texas (NSS-NT). Ken has been the VP of NSS-NT since 2016. Across the DFW
Metroplex, Ken gives presentations to inform and inspire the public about
"the latest and greatest information in space travel and space
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Patrice Sarath
(Patrice Sarath) (Facebook) (Twitter) Patrice Sarath is the author of The Sisters Mederos, Book One of The
Tales of Port Saint Frey. Her novels include the fantasy series Gordath
Wood, Red Gold Bridge, and The Crow God's Girl, and the Jane
Austen-inspired romance The Unexpected Miss Bennet. Her short stories
have appeared in Weird Tales, Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine, and
many other magazines and anthologies. She lives in Austin, Texas, with
her family.
Show Schedule

Brandon Seifert
(Brandon Seifert) (Facebook) Brandon Seifert is a comic book writer based on Austin. He broke into the industry with the cult hit "medical horror" comic
Witch Doctor (from The Walking Dead creator Robert
Kirkman’s Skybound imprint at Image Comics). He’s since worked with
Marvel Comics, Disney, Legendary Entertainment, IDW Publishing and BOOM!
Studios, on projects that include
Doctor Who, Godzilla In Hell, Hellraiser (co-written with creator Clive Barker),
Disney Kingdoms: Seekers of the Weird, and The Fly. Brandon originally hails from Alaska.
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Martin L. Shoemaker
(Martin L. Shoemaker) (Facebook) Martin
L. Shoemaker is a programmer who writes on the side…or maybe the other
way around. Programming pays the bills, but a second place in the Jim
Baen Memorial Writing Contest earned him lunch with Buzz Aldrin! His Clarkesworld
story "Today I Am Paul" won the 2016 WSFA Small Press Award and also
appeared in four year’s best anthologies and seven international
editions. The story will continue in Today I Am Carey, a novel coming from Baen in March 2019.
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Adrian Simmons
(Heroic Fantasy Quarterly) (Heroic Quarterly Fantasy Facebook) (Facebook) Adrian Simmons lives in Norman, Oklahoma. He has hoofed the Ouachita and Ozark Highlands trails, the England coast to coast trail, and the Camino de Santiago in Spain. His nonfiction has appeared in Black Gate and Strange Horizons. His fiction has popped up in James Gunn’s Ad Astra Magazine, Outposts of Beyond, Plasma Frequency and the anthologies Apotheosis and No Sh!t There I Was. In 2009 he founded the webzine and currently serves as 1/3 of its editorial staff.
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Brad Sinor
(Brad Sinor) (Facebook) (LiveJournal) Bradley H. Sinor has written many short stories, published in a variety of anthologies, and three short story collections. His Holmsian collection The Game’s Afoot: A Sherlock Holmes Miscellany, published by Pro Se Productions, is available on Amazon. He also has a new joint collection with his wife, Sue Sinor, called Of Two Minds, published by YardDog Press. He lives in Tulsa, OK.
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Sue Sinor
(Facebook) Sue Sinor started writing at the urging of her husband, Brad. She has solo stories, as-well-as several collaborations with Brad, in Yard Dog Press publications. They have collaborative stories in Grantville Gazette IV and the antho Rotten Relations. She and Brad also have a joint collection, Of Two Minds, from Yard Dog Press. They live in Tulsa, OK.
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Amy Sisson
(Amy Sisson) (LibraryThing) Amy Sisson is a writer, reviewer, librarian, Trekkie, and crazy cat lady. Her recent short story publications include "Places We Call Home" in Perihelion and "Jackpot Time" in Devilfish Review.
Show Schedule

Seth Skorkowsky
(Seth Skorkowsky) (Facebook) (YouTube) Raised in the swamps and pine forests of East Texas, Seth Skorkowsky gravitated to the darker sides of fantasy, preferring horror and pulp heroes over knights in shining armor. He has published four Urban Fantasy novels with his Valducan series, and two pulpy Sword and Sorcery collections. He's a two-time Audie Award finalist and an active YouTube creator. When not writing, Seth enjoys cheesy movies, tabletop role-playing games, and traveling the world with his wife.
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Libby A. Smith
Libby A. Smith is a frequent contributor to 4starstories. Other works have appeared in the anthology Avast, Ye Airships, several Caliber Comics, Atomic Mouse, and in other publications. An adaptation of The Story of the Rainbow Bridge was adapted into counted cross stitch by Sue Hillis. Libby lives in Central Arkansas with three fat and sassy cats. She also acts on stage and in films, including The Hanging of David O Dodd which aired on the Arkansas PBS station.
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Caroline Spector
(Caroline Spector) Caroline Spector has written and
edited in both the SF/F and gaming worlds. For the last ten years, she’s
been a contributor to the Wild Cards series, appearing most recently
in High Stakes, Knaves over Queens, and the upcoming Texas Hold 'Em. Her Wild Card novella, “Lies My Mother Told Me,” appeared in the critically acclaimed
anthology Dangerous Women. Her story "The Flight of Morpho Girl” (co-authored
with Bradley Denton) is on
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Mike Stewart
(Save for Half Podcast) (Victorious RPG) (Victorious RPG Facebook) Mike Stewart has participated in the Role Playing Game industry for the past fifteen years. His recent work, the Steampunk Superhero RPG Victorious was the 2017 winner of the Three Castles RPG Award. His other writing runs the gamut from RPG and wargaming writing to fiction and nonfiction academic work as a professor of Victorian history. He and his wife Liz host the Save for Half podcast, a show about Old School RPGs and the modern games inspired by them.
Show Schedule

Kathryn Sullivan
(Kathryn Sullivan) (Facebook) Kathryn Sullivan writes young adult science fiction and fantasy. Any
place and any object is at risk of appearing in her stories--the river
bluffs surrounding Winona, MN, where she lives, can become the windswept
cliffs of an alien planet
or the deep mysterious woods of a fantasy tale. She is owned by a large
cockatoo, who graciously allows her to write about other animals, as
well as birdlike aliens.
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Shanna Swendson
(Shanna Swendson) (Wikipedia) Shanna Swendson is best known as the author of the Enchanted, Inc. series from Ballantine Books, the YA steampunk fantasy Rebel Mechanics, and a variety of geeky pop-culture essays published by BenBella Books. She can occasionally be lured out of her writing cave by movies, promises of Doctor Who episodes, conventions, or new books calling to her from the library or bookstore. Or tea or chocolate (or tea and chocolate, but not chocolate tea).
Show Schedule

Mel Tatum
(Mel Tatum) (Benefit CD for Parkinson's Research) Mel writes songs, short stories, essays, and assorted academic articles. Her short stories can be found in Yard Dog Press anthologies and her songs online, in filk circles, and on the CATH Benefit CD. For those desperately seeking an insomnia cure, her academic articles are also available online.
Show Schedule

The Fogeys
Dennis Donigan, James Harbich, and Chuck Hall were all part of a group that played guitars and sang at nursing homes. Dene Foye, a Celtic singer, started playing Irish music with Dennis, who talked him into performing with them. The nursing home loved what they the Fogeys were born. Eclectic, they have played Christmas, folk, pop, rock, blues, patriotic, country music, & now FILK!!!
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The Scrap Merchants
(The Scrap Merchants) The Scrap Merchants is an acoustic/electric cross-genre groove with political, social, and personal themes. Conjuring, capturing, and rediscovering the world we all live in, we draw inspiration from the noise around us, embracing life and addressing issues that affect us all.
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Tex Thompson
(The Tex Files) (Children of the Drought) (DFW Writers Conference) (WORD) Arianne "Tex" Thompson is a ‘rural fantasy’ author, egregiously enthusiastic speaker, and professional ruckus-raiser. She is the author of the Children of the Drought epic fantasy Western trilogy, an instructor for the Writers Path at SMU, and ‘chief instigator’ of WORD--Writers Organizations ‘Round Dallas.
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(Triskelion) Triskelion started as a group of friends who enjoyed playing music for fun, using MusiconFriday as their Yahoo group. Inspired by a love of Celtic music, Triskelion brings a variety of musical talent to the stage. Floyd Brigdon's background playing guitar for rock bands (and a begrudging country band or two) and as a singer/songwriter, Sarah Brigdon's as a church vocalist, and Leah Tharp's rhythm 12-string guitar and vocals blend together to bring a joyful and diverse blend of harmonies.
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Katherine Turski
Kathy Turski writes the way she looks--short and funny. She’s published in Flush Fiction, A Bubba in Time Saves None, and The Anthology From Hell with Yard Dog Press, and Uncle John's Bathroom Reader. Her humor essay, "My Inner Fat Girl", is in You & Me Magazine.
Kathy lives in North Texas with her husband. She clerks for a local library and loves old movies, baking, and coming up with weird story ideas--mainly fueled with caffeine and chocolate.
Show Schedule

Mel. White
(Facebook) (Twitter) Known to her kids as "Indiana Mom", Mel. has gone back to school to become "Dr. Indiana Mom." She still works on fossils for the Museum of Nature and Science, and is now a volunteer educator at Trinity River Audubon Center as well as a Texas Master Naturalist. She's also a proud member of the Yard Dog Press gang, with a story in A Bubba in Time Saves None.
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Ben Yalow
Ben Yalow’s very first convention he attended as a fan was Lunacon in 1971, followed later that year by his first Worldcon, Noreascon (He hasn’t missed a Worldcon since). Ben is a co-founder of SMOFcon, the annual convention on how to run a convention, and was the recipient of fandom's highest award, the 2015 Forest J. Ackerman Big Heart Award.
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