A Fan-Operated Science Fiction and Fantasy Literary and Filk Convention in the Dallas/Fort Worth Area

This is it! Our panels are set, our guest list is complete, and this schedule
is set in stone. The schedule below is now complete and it gives you a clear idea of what we're
all about this year. Last updated 12:02am 18 September 2005
Certain gaming and filk activities will, of course, extend overnight on an ad hoc basis.
(FenCon reminds you to get at least five hours of sleep, two meals, and one shower per day.
Thank you.)
We are still looking for a few friendly and articulate volunteers.
To participate, please contact us at programming@fencon.org
right away or fill out the form at the bottom of this page.
FenCon Operating Hours:
FenCon II |
Friday |
Saturday |
Sunday |
Registration |
10am-8pm |
9am-7pm |
9am-5pm |
Con Ops |
12pm-12mid |
24 hours |
12mid-6pm |
Programming |
12pm-12mid |
10am-12mid |
10am-5pm |
Dealer Room |
2pm-7pm |
10am-6pm |
10am-4pm |
Video Room |
12pm-12mid |
24 hours |
12mid-5pm |
Art Show |
3pm-8pm |
10am-6pm |
10am-5pm |
Gaming |
2pm-12mid |
24 hours |
12mid-5pm |
Hospitality |
2pm-1am |
8am-2am |
8am-5pm |
Jump directly to the schedule for Friday,
Saturday, or Sunday.
FenCon Friday Programming Highlights:
FenCon II starts earlier than last year so we can fit in all the good stuff
we'll be presenting this year. Once again we reward the "early birds" with bonus panels by
Guest of Honor S.M. Stirling at 2pm and Toastmaster David Gerrold at 3pm, both in Alternate 1.
The Joy Marie Ledet Art Demo at 6pm in Alternate 3 is always a crowd-pleaser and be sure
to catch a rare panel by writers workshop leader and multiple-Hugo winner Mike Resnick at 7pm
in Main Programming. After Opening Ceremonies at 8pm, stick around Main Programming for an
evening of filk concerts to midnight (at least) or check out our video tribute to David Gerrold
starting at 9pm in the Video Room.
FenCon Friday Autograph Schedule:
- 4:00pm - open
- 5:00pm - Gearhart-Gray, Gray, Reiten
- 6:00pm - open
- 7:00pm - open
FenCon Friday Programming Schedule:
Main Progamming Lone Star II |
Filk Progamming Lone Star I |
Reading Room Brazos |
12pm |
Room Closed
(opens at 3pm) |
Room Closed
(opens at 4pm) |
Room Closed
(opens at 3pm) |
Room Closed
(opens at 4pm) |
Room Closed
(opens at 3pm) |
Room Closed
(opens at 4pm) |
Open Filk Jam
(all interested filkers and our filk guests) |
Room Closed
(opens at 4pm) |
Open Filk Jam, continued
(all interested filkers and our filk guests) |
Margaret H. Bonham Reading
4:30pm Gloria Oliver Reading
(Oliver) |
The Lexicon of Filk
(Middleton*, Farran, Fish, Ulbrich) |
Libby Singleton Reading
5:30pm Shanna Swendson Reading
(Swendson) |
(Bradley, Gerrold, Hawkes-Craig*, Stirling) |
Selina Rosen Reading
(Rosen) |
The Mike Resnick Show
(Mike Resnick, hosted by Stephen Pagel) |
Open Reading
(open to all) |
FenCon II Opening Ceremonies
(hosted by David Gerrold) |
Room Closed |
Leslie Fish in Concert
(Leslie Fish) |
Open Reading
(open to all) |
Randy Farran in Concert
(Randy Farran)
10:30pm Bill and Brenda Sutton in Concert
(Bill and Brenda Sutton) |
Rosebud is a Sled!
(Balthrop*, Conrad) |
October Country in Concert
(October Country)
11:30pm Spriggan in Concert
(Spriggan) |
Open Reading
(open) |
Alternate Progamming 1 Trinity |
Alternate Progamming 2 Pecos |
Alternate Progamming 3 Guadalupe |
Room Closed
(opens at 12pm) |
Room Closed
(opens at 2pm) |
Writers Workshop Session 1
(Mike Resnick) |
Room Closed
(opens at 12pm) |
Room Closed
(opens at 2pm) |
Writers Workshop Session 1
(Mike Resnick) |
My Favorite Books
(Martindale*, Rainbolt) |
Room Closed
(opens at 2pm) |
Writers Workshop Session 1
(Mike Resnick) |
Conventions in the Internet Age
(Martindale*, T. Miller) |
Room Closed
(opens at 2pm) |
Writers Workshop Lunch Break
(go eat lunch) |
The S.M. Stirling Early Bird Panel
(S.M. Stirling) |
The Plot Thickens
(Black*, Bonham, Elrod, Moore, Swendson, Wedel) |
Writers Workshop Session 2
(Mike Resnick) |
The David Gerrold Early Bird Panel
(David Gerrold) |
Draw, Kid!
(Anderson, Bradley, Dixon, Heckenlively) |
Writers Workshop Session 2
(Mike Resnick) |
Why Do Science Fiction Movies All Suck?
(Gearhart-Gray*, Gerrold, Gray, Hale) |
My First Fandom
(Eudaly, Ledet, Middleton, Swendson, Singleton*) |
Writers Workshop Session 2
(Mike Resnick) |
Building the Perfect World
(Oliver*, Bonham, Black, Sheridan, Stirling) |
How to Guarantee Your Story Will Not Get Published
(Martindale*, Mayhar, Wagner) |
The Obligatory Stargate Panel
(Hale, B. Leaf, J. Leaf, S. Tyra) |
Pimping Your Craft
(Black, Bonham, Eudaly*, Moore) |
FenCon For Dummies
(Middleton, Nelson, Rainbolt*, Singleton) |
Joy Marie Ledet Art Demo
(Joy Marie Ledet) |
Joss Whedon Is My Master Now!
(Caine*, Hale, Swendson, Wilson) |
Horror: Categories and Sub-Genres
(Hawkes-Craig, Jacob, Lansdale*, Sheridan, Wedel) |
Joy Marie Ledet Art Demo, continued
(Ledet) |
Room Closed |
Room Closed |
Room Closed |
Yard Dog Road Show
(Rosen*, Bonham, Donahue, Eudaly, Fletcher, Hale, Mandala, Martindale, Oliver, Rainbolt, Reiten, Simmons, B. Sinor, S. Sinor, Turner) |
Pulp & Digest Collecting 101
(Conrad*, Resnick) |
The Next Y2K?
(Gray*, Black, White) |
Yard Dog Road Show, continues
(see above) |
Turn The Page To Turn Me On
(Brown, Caine, Swendson*, Elrod) |
The Best Books I Have Read This Year
(Wagner*, Black) |
Open Filk
(all filk! all night!) |
How to Get Lucky in a Grown Up World
(Claudia T. Smith) |
Blogging, Live Journals, and the New Media
(Balthrop, Hawkes-Craig, Wedel, White*) |
Jump directly to the schedule for Friday or Sunday.
FenCon Saturday Programming Highlights:
FenCon II will have as many as nine tracks of programming running at some
points on Saturday. Our guests of honor will dominate the Main Programming room through
mid-afternoon while the filk programming begins at 11am with an intro and overview before
the concerts begin at noon. Alternate programming high points include David Cherry for
two hours starting at 1pm in Alternate 1, the Generic Radio Workshop at 3pm in Alternate 2,
and our first-ever Art Auction at 7pm in Alternate 1.
Saturday night also means it's time for the FenCon Cabaret at 9pm! This signature event
includes our costume contest, our patent-pending All-Star Git-Down Filk-Sing Hootenanny™, a
Generic Radio Workshop performance, and more. That's all in Main Programming starting at 9pm.
Join us at 8:00am for an open session of yoga in the Alternate
Programming 3 (Guadalupe) panel room. Wear comfortable clothing and bring a bottle of water,
a towel or mat, and a yoga brick or exercise strap (optional). Start your day the yoga way.
FenCon Saturday Autograph Schedule:
- 10:00am - open
- 11:00am - Bonham, Eudaly, Hale, Rainbolt, Singleton
- 12:00pm - Carl, Lansdale, Mayhar, Moore, Steakley, Turner
- 1:00pm - Friend of the Fen Priority GOH Autograph Session
Dixon, Farran, Fish, Gerrold, Stirling
- 2:00pm - Martindale, Rosen, B. Sinor, S. Sinor
- 3:00pm - Andersson, Archer, Cherry, Douglas, Spangler, Swendson
- 4:00pm - Black, Brown, Fletcher, Preece, White
FenCon Saturday Programming Schedule:
Main Progamming Lone Star II |
Filk Progamming Lone Star I |
Reading Room Brazos |
Is There Any Science In Science Fiction Art?
(Anderson, Bradley, Conrad*, Dixon, Farran, Patterson) |
The Case For Mars
(Dallas Chapter of The Mars Society) |
Wm. Mark Simmons Reading
(Simmons) |
New Ideas In Alternate History
(Hawkes-Craig, Stirling, Moore*, White) |
What The Filk Is Going On Here?
(Middleton*, Patterson, B. Sutton, Br. Sutton) |
P.N. Elrod Reading
(Elrod) |
David Gerrold's Wild Ride
(Gerrold, Yeffeth*) |
Wm. Mark Simmons and Randy Farran in Concert
(Simmons, Farran) |
Open Reading
12:30pm Rhonda Eudaly Reading
(Eudaly) |
Monster Mash
(Andersson, Simmons*, B. Sinor, Steakley, Wedel) |
Concert TBA
(to be announced) |
David Gray Reading
(Gray) |
The Randy Farran Experience
(Simmons*, Farran) |
2:00pm Mini-Concert
2:15pm Mini-Concert
2:30pm Joe Giacoio in Concert
(Giacoio) |
Joe R. Lansdale Reading
(Lansdale) |
The Art and Times of Larry Dixon
(Dixon, Anderson*) |
Bill and Brenda in Concert
(B. Sutton, Br. Sutton) |
Lee Martindale Reading
3:30pm Beverly Hale Reading
(Hale) |
Celebrate Banned Book Week
(Gerrold, Rosen*, Stirling, and more) |
Carla Ulbrich in Concert
(Ulbrich) |
Larry Dixon Reading
(Dixon) |
Leslie Fish: Filk Guest of Honor in Concert
(Leslie Fish) |
Room Closed
(opens at 10am) |
S.M. Stirling: Guest of Honor Address
(Stirling, Gerrold) |
Room Closed
(opens at 10am) |
How to Impress Publishers and Influence Your Editors
(Preece, Pagel, Rosen, Wagner*, Yeffeth) |
Room Closed
(opens at 10am) |
Cabaret Walkthrough (Room closed to public) |
Room Closed
(opens at 10am) |
FenCon Cabaret featuring
our costume contest, the Second All-Star Git-Down Filk-Sing Hootenanny™, and so much more
(emcee is David Gerrold) |
Go to the Cabaret |
FenCon Cabaret continues
with the Generic Radio Workshop and the costume awards
(emcee is still David Gerrold) |
Go to the Cabaret |
Funny Short Story Read-Off
(Resnick vs. Gerrold) |
Room Closed
(opens at 10am) |
Alternate Progamming 1 Trinity |
Alternate Progamming 2 Pecos |
Alternate Progamming 3 Guadalupe |
The Return of the Testosterone Zone: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut
(Andersson, Black, Stirling, B. Sinor, Turner*, Wagner) |
What A Girl Wants: Themes in Women's Fiction
(Archer, Bonham, Brown, Carl, Douglas, Fletcher, Hale, S. Sinor*, Swendson) |
Writers Workshop Session 3
(Mike Resnick) |
Building Frankenstein's Monster: Adding SF, Fantasy, & Horror to Romance
(Archer, Caine*, Jacob, Lansdale, Spangler, Swendson) |
Texas Writers You Don't Know (But You Should)
(Mayhar, Wagner) |
Writers Workshop Session 3
(Mike Resnick) |
The Truth About Cats and Dogs in SF/F
(Rainbolt*, Bonham, Douglas, Hale) |
How To Get Ahead In Costuming
(Kofmel*, M. Miller, Elrod, Singleton, Patterson) |
Writers Workshop Session 3
(Mike Resnick) |
David Cherry Presents...
(David Cherry) |
The Basics of Writing: A Mini-Workshop
(Caine, Elrod) |
Writers Workshop Lunch Break
(go eat lunch) |
David Cherry Presents... (continued)
(David Cherry) |
The Basics of Writing (continued)
(Caine, Elrod) |
Writers Workshop Session 4
(Mike Resnick) |
Breaking the Law(s)
(Lansdale, Mayhar, Carl*) |
Generic Radio Workshop casting and setup
(Barrett) |
Writers Workshop Session 4
(Mike Resnick) |
The Fantasy Genre: What's Next?
(Carl, Douglas*, Mayhar, Moore, Oliver, Patterson) |
Doctor Who: The Next Regeneration
(Balthrop, Mahaffey*, Whitewater) |
Writers Workshop Session 4
(Mike Resnick) |
Room Closed |
Room Closed |
Room Closed |
Auction Setup |
Room Closed |
Room Closed |
Art & Charity Auction
(Anderson, Conrad) |
Quangled Motes!
(Singleton*, Bonham, Morgan) |
Cabaret Greenroom |
Art & Charity Auction continued
(Anderson, Conrad) |
Dream Casting: Who Would You Cast in the Movie?
(Hale, Sheridan*) |
Cabaret Greenroom |
Go to the Cabaret |
Go to the Cabaret |
Go to the Cabaret |
Go to the Cabaret |
Go to the Cabaret |
Go to the Cabaret |
Open Filk 'Til Dawn
(all interested filkers) |
Room Closed
(opens at 10am) |
Room Closed
(opens at 10am) |
Jump directly to the schedule for Friday or Saturday.
FenCon Sunday Programming Highlights:
FenCon II winds to a close today but we're going out with a bang, not a whimper.
We know the room parties are fun but get your sleep so you can enjoy "Hey Kids, Comics!"
at 10am in the Filk Programming room. Filkers get to sleep late today but they take over the
Filk Programming room right up until Closing Ceremonies at 5pm. Before that happens, check
out the Belly Dancing Workshop at 2pm in Alternate 2 and don't miss your chance to give
your feedback directly to the FenCon Committee at our Torches and Pitchforks panel at 3pm
in Main Programming. Oh, and lots of fun in the Video Room today, including Mike Resnick showing
Metal Tears at 9am and the 1974 Mel Brooks classic Young Frankenstein at 4pm.
(Frau Blücher!)
Join us at 8:00am for a second open session of yoga in the Alternate
Programming 3 (Guadalupe) panel room. Wear comfortable clothing and bring a bottle of water,
a towel or mat, and a yoga brick or exercise strap (optional). Start your day the yoga way.
FenCon Sunday Autograph Schedule:
- 10:00am - open
- 11:00am - Hawkes-Craig, Jacob, Stirling, Wedel
- 12:00pm - Gerrold, Resnick, Yeffeth, Caine, Elrod
- 1:00pm - Fish, Giacoio, Patterson, Simmons, B. Sutton, Br. Sutton, Ulbrich
- 2:00pm - Anderson, Bradley, Conrad, Dixon, Ledet
- 3:00pm - Oliver, Sheridan
- 4:00pm - open
FenCon Sunday Programming Schedule:
Main Progamming Lone Star II |
Filk Progamming Lone Star I |
Reading Room Brazos |
Alternate History vs. Time Travel
(Gerrold, Resnick, B. Sinor, Stirling, White*) |
Hey Kids, Comics!
(Conrad*, Hale, Singleton, Lansdale) |
Sue Sinor Reading
(S. Sinor)
10:30pm SF Poetry Read-Off
(Jacob, Sheridan) |
Hollywood Horror Stories
(Steakley*, Gerrold, Resnick) |
Filkers You Need To Hear
(Farran, Middleton*, B. Sutton, Br. Sutton) |
Rachel Caine Reading
(Caine) |
Works Well With Others
(Stirling, Andersson, Dixon, Eudaly*, Reiten) |
Margaret Middleton in Concert
12:30pm Lee Billings in Concert
(Billings) |
Brad Sinor Reading
(B. Sinor)
12:30pm Dusty Rainbolt Reading
(Rainbolt) |
Science Fiction as Romance/Adventure
(Stirling, Spangler, Wagner*, Andersson, Archer) |
Mary Miller in Concert
1:30pm Lee Martindale in Concert
(Martindale) |
Ardath Mayhar Reading
1:30pm Steven E. Wedel Reading
(Wedel) |
The Future of Star Trek: Does It Have One?
(Fish, Gerrold, Andersson, Rainbolt*, Martindale) |
Joe Giacoio in Concert
2:30pm Carla Ulbrich in Concert
(Ulbrich) |
Paul Black Reading
2:30pm Melanie Fletcher Reading
(Fletcher) |
Torches and Pitchforks
(T. Miller, R. Miller, M. Nelson*) |
3:00pm Mini-Concert
3:15pm Mini-Concert
3:30pm Teresa Patterson in Concert
(Patterson) |
S.M. Stirling Reading
(Stirling) |
Jimmy Doohan Remembered
(Dravecky*, Gerrold, Stirling) |
October Country in Concert
(October Country)
4:30pm Spriggan in Concert
(Spriggan) |
Angeline Hawkes-Craig Reading
(Hawkes-Craig) |
FenCon II Closing Ceremonies
(with Mike Nelson) |
FenCon II Closed
(see you in 2006!) |
6pm |
Go to the Dead Dog Party |
See you at FenCon III! |
Alternate Progamming 1 Trinity |
Alternate Progamming 2 Pecos |
Alternate Progamming 3 Guadalupe |
Loving the Ectoplasm
(Archer, Brown, Caine, Elrod*, Spangler, Swendson) |
The Role of Religion in Science Fiction and Fantasy
(Martindale*, Hawkes-Craig, Rainbolt) |
Heinlein is Always 20/20
(Gearhart-Gray, Gray, Pagel*, R. Miller) |
Is Hard SF Becoming An Endangered Species?
(Black, Fletcher, Gray, Reiten*, Turner) |
I Like To Giggle: The Role of Humor in SF/F
(Hale, Morris*, Rosen, Simmons, White) |
Starting and Running a Science Fiction Fan Club
(Singleton*) |
The Unconscious Writer
(Spangler*, Gray, Archer, Swendson) |
FenCon Fight Club
(Preece) |
Writing For A Younger Audience
(Hale*, Mayhar) |
Artist Round Table
(Anderson, Bradley, Farran*, Dixon, Conrad, Ledet) |
Advanced Weaponry Demo
(Preece) |
Buzz Blaster!
(Gray, Gearhart-Gray) |
Big Brother, Where Art Thou?
(Gray*, Hale, Hawkes-Craig, Wedel, White) |
Belly Dancing Workshop
(Mandala, Donahue) |
Whither Worldcon?
(T. Miller*, Dravecky, Kofmel) |
Mary Sue: Who is she and what does she want?
(Caine*, Eudaly, Fletcher) |
Harry Potter and the Looming Menace of Deus Ex Machina
(Swendson*, White) |
Meet The Cavern Press: Pitch to Surreal Magazine
(Mike Miller) |
Dracula in High Heels
(Andersson*, Elrod, Jacob, Steakley) |
The NASA Roundtable
(Gearhart-Gray, Gray) |
Confessions of a Fan Fashionista
(Donahue, Eudaly, Mandala*, Swendson) |
5pm |
FenCon II Closed
(see you in 2006!) |
FenCon II Closed
(see you in 2006!) |
FenCon II Closed
(see you in 2006!) |
6pm |
See you at FenCon III! |
See you at FenCon III! |
See you at FenCon III! |
Jump directly to the schedule for Friday,
Saturday, or Sunday.
We need you!: It turns out this "programming" stuff is pretty popular
and we wouldn't hold a FenCon without it. That means we're doing it again in 2006. We need
ideas for panels, people to participate on those panels, and volunteers to help out around the
convention. If you want to participate, please contact us at
programming@fencon.org right away.
Got questions, comments, or suggestions? Please fill out this form. You will
be contacted as soon as possible.
Last updated 22 September 2005
Text and images Copyright 2003-2005 by Dallas Future Society, Dallas, Texas.
FenCon is a production of the Dallas Future Society, a not-for-profit organization dedicated
to the advancement of science, literature, and music for the future of all mankind.
Enjoy privacy? Read our privacy policy.