A Fan-Operated Science Fiction and Fantasy Literary and Filk Convention in the Dallas/Fort Worth Area
FenCon 2005 Writers Workshop featuring Michael Resnick FenCon and the Dallas Future Society are thrilled beyond mere words to announce that we're adding a writers workshop for 2005. What's the big deal? The writer running the workshop is Hugo- and Nebula-winning author Mike Resnick! With hundreds of published short stories and books, experience at every level of the publishing system from fan to editor, and his reputation for excellence, Mike is the perfect teacher for aspiring writers. Congratulations! Mike Resnick is the winner of the 2005 Hugo Award for Best Short Story for his moving short story Travels With My Cats. We are thrilled for Mike and can't wait to see him at FenCon this year. This will be an intense series of sessions during FenCon II, probably four sessions of three hours each, featuring lectures, one-on-one workshopping, invaluable feedback, an expert critique, and some quality peer interaction all personally run by Mike Resnick. You'll learn everything you need to know from how to make contacts to how to read contracts. If this sounds like the opportunity you've been waiting for, we are happy to be of service. However, there are a few things you should know:
The story you submit must be an original work of science fiction or fantasy, under 5000 words, and not the story you submit to the FenCon Short Fiction Contest, if any. These must be complete stories, not the opening chapters of a novel or other incomplete work. You will be given the details on how and where to submit your story for Mr. Resnick's personal review after your workshop registration is processed. Each workshop participant will receive a copy of each of the submitted stories so you will be able to follow along and learn as Mr. Resnick offers his tips and techniques. Except for certain archival copies, the workshop stories will not otherwise be reproduced by FenCon and all rights remain with the original authors. Your submitted work should follow these basic guidelines for professional submission of short fiction. Submission Guidelines:
Manuscript Guidelines:
These guidelines are similar, but not identical, to the guidelines for our Short Fiction Contest. Remember, you cannot submit the same story to both the workshop and the contest. If you have any questions or comments about this workshop, please e-mail info@fencon.org. Absolutely no workshop story submissions will be accepted at this address. All contest entries must be submitted only to the e-mail address you will be given upon completion of your registration. Last updated 27 August 2005 Text and images Copyright 2003-2005 by Dallas Future Society, Dallas, Texas. |