A Fan-Operated Science Fiction and Fantasy Literary and Filk Convention in the Dallas/Fort Worth Area CONVENTION FLYER: Our flyer is now available for download in a ready-to-print 300dpi version. Share and enjoy.
PROGRAM BOOK: People keep telling us how much they loved our 2004 program book. Did they love the Cat Conrad cover, the original short fiction by many of our guests, the rare Larry Niven story, or was it the welcome letter from convention chair Michael Nelson? Okay, it probably wasn't the welcome letter. Know that we're already hard at work trying to top ourselves for 2005 and that you get a copy free with your full three-day membership. Additional copies will be available for a nominal fee. AD SALES: Advertising sales for our 2005 program book, convention guide,
restaurant locator, and other items are now The official ad submission deadline was August 26th. All of our publications are now finalized and ad space is no longer available. Our advertisers help pay for the full-color cover printing and make possible so many pages of wonderful content. The program book will feature works by many of our guests and is sure to be treasured for years to come. Only a limited number will be printed so only Friends of the Fen and three-day regular members are guaranteed copies. Day-pass members and any members wishing extra copies may purchase them at the convention, while supplies last, for just $5 per copy.
Got questions? Fill out this form and you will be contacted right away. Last updated 20 September 2005 Text and images Copyright 2003-2005 by Dallas Future Society, Dallas, Texas. |